Kayak Fishing Yesterday 5-21-11

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Well... needed a little more practice before going on the Great Corvina Hunt so I headed down yesterday to do a little YAK fishing. Caught one pompano and 2 HUGE Spanish MACKS, had an absolute blast.


Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Im home and I wanted to bring that Mac with us for cut bait but CHUCK BLAIR came down and basically confiscated it from me! Ridiculous! I was like, Chucky I need this for next week and hes like you're not going to be able to keep that meat fresh for one week bla bla bla, Villa was calling Chuck Bandito, it was real funny but nevertheless Lucky Chucky took our MAC...


Nice sierra Joe. Those are great eating when they are fresh but once you freeze them they turn to mush and are good for nothing.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Yea I was out of Cholla and they were running bait on the Pelican Point side... Yea I hear they are good eating right away. I wanted to freeze it whole for cut bait later next week but a semi local there in cholla took it from me jeje


semi local there in cholla took it from me jeje
Bill picked us up some Sardines, so lucky Chuckie can keep the Mac! The only thing I'm concerned about is Roberto eating it all before we pick it up Saturday. Those Mackerel are great bait though, and more than a few Pinto have had it as their last meal.


AKA Carnac
We used to troll Konsag Rock for sierra after fishing deep, the sierra are big and hungry. Konsag is the big rock or small island between Penasco and San Felipe. They come by the thousands in August.