Kayak fishing - need permit?


Does anyone know if you need a fishing permit when fishing from a kayak? I know fishing from shore = no permit but you need one if fishing from boat.
Technically, yes. I usually get one just to be legal and support their fisheries but I can't imagine ever getting checked.


The yearly license is for one year from the date of issue. I think I paid somewhere around $45-$50 back in March of this year.


Does anyone know if you need a fishing permit when fishing from a kayak? I know fishing from shore = no permit but you need one if fishing from boat.
On this same topic... wondering if the kayak license would also cover fishing from a jet ski?

Is there a different license in Mexico between motorized and non-motorized "boats" ??

Thank you.


The fishing license is for you not the craft you are on. It is valid anywhere you fish in Mexico. Just be aware that everyone on your boat needs license even if you are the only one fishing.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
A boat is a boat is a boat, Larry. If you're fishing from it, I'd go with yes, a license is in order. But as said above, fear a lightning strike more than actually getting checked for one. To follow up on what Mermaid said, yes... the license follows YOU no matter where or what you're fishing from. I've had to produce mine to fish in tournaments in San Carlos and Mazatlan. No license, no fishy. When stopped by the Navy in Penasco, I offered my fishing license and they couldn't care less. Only wanted to see passport and boat registration -- to which I gave them the TIP (Temporary Import Permit) for my boat.

PESCA does occasionally do spot checks in Penasco, but I haven't seen them there in ages. Their boat is clearly marked.
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I agree with the odds of ever being checked. I have fished constantly out of Cholla for the past 25 years and have never been asked. I still get my yearly license just in case, and also because I fish other parts of Mexico.


The fishing license is for you not the craft you are on. It is valid anywhere you fish in Mexico. Just be aware that everyone on your boat needs license even if you are the only one fishing.
Thanks for your replies, Mermaid and Stuart.

Wasn't sure, but makes sense. Especially when a lot of things in Mexico don't make sense, particularly when coming from a gringo perspective!
Just a note of fact. As most of you know I fish off of a Jetski. I HAVE BEEN CHECKED! Last Winter.
I did not want to be banging into their boat so all I did was hold up my liscense and hollered to them that I did have a fishing license.
They waved back and moved their boat awat and left
It is the right thing to do and I do it. $45.00 to 50 bucks is not worth any hastle. This way I also have a license if I go with any other boat.