Parrothead Pescador
Saturday, the Sea of Cortez was in a kind mood. Calm seas and a well trimmed Josefina provided a Cadillac ride both to and from the distant offshore deep reefs. As usual, Cap'n Dan put us over the structure and on the first drop it was almost instant FISH ON! Mother Ocean blessed us with a bounty of 5 differrent species of tasty pescado. For about 2 hours either side of high tide, it was steady action and bloody decks as we whacked fish on nearly every drift. We caught 20+ goldspots, half a dozen rabbitfish, 3 sheepshead, 2 yellowtail, and a white seabass. Of course, not everything went according to hoyle, we lost the big fish of the day after a short 5 minute battle when the behemoth made a bulldozer like run and broke the terminal tackle. Then, Dan's 40lb+ yellowtail freaked when it saw the boat and gaff and made a frantic run ending in successfully severing the line on the outdrive. Still, a stellar day on the beautiful, bountiful Mar de Cortez!