We'd like to come and visit for a next next Thursday (9/27/12). Is it safe, of course we'd be traveling during the day and we are two women traveling alone. Pls advise. [email protected]
Thank you
Thank you
I'm here 24/7. Have not even been to the border let alone across in several years. Yes, it is safe. There are no big issues. You will see a lot of patroling and Military inspections stops, just like on the US Side. Just use common sense and the usual precautions when traveling. GV Jack is here so be careful at the red lights in town.We'd like to come and visit for a next next Thursday (9/27/12). Is it safe, of course we'd be traveling during the day and we are two women traveling alone. Pls advise. [email protected]
Thank you
You are you saying some bum kids washed your new car with bucket and wet towel right there in the parking lot? Is so I would advise you not to do that, washing car that way damages paint, the hard dust of rocky point and wet towel makes a sand paper to your shinny paint. I always refuse those guys to touch my car, do something else for living and quit ruining tourists paint jobs.while we had been at the bank our very dusty car had gotten a wash job - but by the time we got home it was just as dusty