Is it safe to travel to Rocky Point after SB 1070?


Lovin it in RP!
Inka's like the damned kid on the playground that starts yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" and gets all the other kids to come running over! :har:

Russ, be glad to take you up on that beer sometime.
Lets go, I am sure you will be around for the Circus Mexicus event this year no? I will be out there Friday Sat and Sunday afternoon


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Not sure on Circus Mexicus - been to nearly all of them. Comes right on the heels of getting back from Mazatlan for a week, so may not be able to get down there. No fears on Sinaloa, either. Actually, I love Mazatlan. Very dynamic and beautiful city. Haven't been back there in a few years, so the wife and I decided it was time to go! It's *not* Cabo and there aren't gringo tourists everywhere, which adds to its charm. For folks that only know Penasco as "Mexico," there's just so much more they are missing!


Lovin it in RP!
We have been to Maz many times and will return probably this December. We go from Penasco to Guaymas, then to Mazatlan then through Tepic to Tequila then to Guadalajara for a few days then onto Mexico City for 4 days then up to Queretaro a quick over night in Guanajuato, then back to Guad then all the wau back up to Penasco. We take 17 days and we have done it several times and it is an awesome trip. So I agree with Stuart, Penasco is just the tip of the incredible iceberg that is Mexico. AJUA! BTW have fun in Maz.