Is anyone from the PHX area traveling to Rocky Point Thursday morning?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi family,
As of now, it does not look like Jerry will be able to come with me this trip. I am bringing my 85 year old mother and towing a small utility trailer with a bunch of donations. Can we caravan with any one in case I have tire issues? I am just getting over a major blood infection in addition to the latest problems and don't know if I have enough strength to change a tire if needed....I live in downtown PHX but would be willing to meet up with the east siders in Maricopa......Thank you all!!!! The families need this stuff!
We are 95% sure we'll head there on Thursday morning around 10:00 from East Valley. A popular meet-up point for our caravans is Walgreens in Maricopa. If none of your comrades can help, send me a note . . .
Although . . .

. . . other of our friends who live in west Phoenix take the Buckeye route, and we meet up in Gila Bend -- another option.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
How come I never get stopped by banditos that look like that? Here, do you want me to tie myself up for you? :rofl:
Ladyjeeper, due to business our trip had to be postponed 24 hours. Not that -- after the discourse on this thread -- you would ever feel safer accompanying us than alone! But just wanted to report the update.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Southbeacher, after I reread this thread, I had to laugh.... I've been coming to Rocky Point for 47 years, I can 4 Wheel my big Jeep anywhere without having to change my drawers and I've been a social worker in downtown Phoenix for 35 years, I can shoot the center out of a paper plate at 100 yards....And I suppose if I have to change a tire while I'm sick, God will take of me... I'm in PDO, north 40, space 367. I've got a big red TJ on 33x12:50's Come by this weekend and I'll make you all a rum and coke....Ain't skeered! LOL!


El Pirata
See you at your fav place Flavios monday about 2 o'clock sharp, Campechana's and shrimp Taco's, Don't forget the forty dollars i asked for the loan for my donation!