Interesting Article from American Chronicle


I'm not surprised and it backs up the story in the Nogales International about immigrants being shot in the desert by "unknown assailants". Whether these vigilante groups are shooting at drug smuggles or immigrants just trying to cross over isn't important. These "patriots" have taken the law into their own hands and are quietly trying to "defend the border" in their own way.

I'm embarrassed to be lumped in as an "American" with people like that.

P.S. Michael Webster desperately needs a proofreader.


No, it's definitely not okay. But that's why we have Border Patrol. It shouldn't be up to the average US citizen to be out patrolling for smugglers or immigrants. It's only going to make BP's job harder and more dangerous in the long run.
My favorite part of his comically-vague bio in the right side-panel: "Radio News caster."

Very professional, Senor Webster.
Although I don't condone is funny for the Zetas "officer" complaining.....a case of the pot calling the kettle black!!! He is threatening retaliation for people preventing his scum, carrying automatic weapons, from entering the dare someone threaten his business!!! recollection of the BorderReporter article has a somewhat different tale of the reasons for the shootout south of Nogales....but I could be wrong!
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Sorry, but this does not pass the straight face test for me. I was smiling after four of the list !!! Actually the first line is a dead give away to me. "America's Leading Authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding." Wheew, that a bit tooo much. Then in his spare time he does all the other stuff, ha ha ha thanks I needed a good laugh. I'm writing it off to internet bilge.

"Mr. Webster is America's leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. He served as a trustee on some of the nation´s largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster represented management on that side of the table as the former Director of Federated of Nevada. Mr. Webster publishes on-line newspapers at and and does investigative reports for print, electronic and on


Following is the American Chronicles call for writers. Write an article of your choice and maybe it will get published.

"These are unpaid, yet rewarding opportunities. Writers may regularly submit their work on a variety of subjects to gain exposure for themselves as experts in their fields or to refer employers to professionally published examples of their writing to obtain positions as full-time, freelance, or syndicated columnists. Writers can show off the best examples of their writing to employers, families, or friends. In addition, authors can write about almost anything, including hobbies, opinion, sports, travel, politics, or entertainment."
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Roberto you may be right.....he may be not have anything to "stand" on with his's refreshing to see someone like you comnent with specific questions/concerns and not just stoop to calling people names as others seems to do here...either way interesting read and something that may or may not be taken with a grain of salt......


What look funny (strange) to me is that during the transcripts of the phone conversation no names are said but at the end the 911 dispatcher calls "Omar" a couple of times, when the dying man never said his name in the first place.
So are you saying it is ok to enter the U.S. illegally bringing drugs. 2 wrongs don't make a right but if the first law isn't being broken the second incident would never have happened if it even happened the way the article is written.

I really wonder about this interview with a "Zeta's comandante". Is that in fact true? And this J.T. Ready, stands against all that most of us still hold dear in our democracy, especially racial and ethnic equality. He is an extreme racist who would have no qualms about killing anyone nonwhite. He is looking for a fight on the border and happily "hunting" Mexicans, whether they are smuggling drugs or not. Let's let the Border Patrol, trained police, deal with the problem of drug and people smuggling. Vigilantes in the mix only make it more dangerous for all concerned, especially families that live on the border, on both sides.


Personally I think the guy just did a lot of cut and paste. Note a couple of 'credits' sprinkled throughout. There may be accurate information in the article. A lot of it, other than the special, information garnered from the 'secret' meeting the Zeta guy granted him, could be confirmed if one wanted to take the time. I don't think much of reports that have a lot of unconfirmable "facts" or opinion presented as fact.

His credentials are a big red flag for me, so although I read the article, I don' t think it has much credence in it. I don't have the time or interest really, to confirm all the so called facts. It does represent a class of sensationalistic writing, interweaving facts with opinion, speculation and outright lies. The guy is actually pretty good at that. The facts tend to support the rest by association or by logic errors. Apples are red, therefore everything red is an apple.

From that perspective it would make a great excercise for a college class on critical thinking.

I think the special meeting with one of the leaders of the Zetas is pure unadlterated bull. It's real annoying to me because he could make a bad situation worse here in Mexico just to stuff his ego. I'm surprised he did not claim the Nobel Peace Prize, but that would be too easy to check.

I've got a top secret meeting with Shorty in a few minutes. I'll fill you all in later:cool::cool:


I've got a top secret meeting with Shorty in a few minutes. I'll fill you all in later:cool::cool:
How many times do I have to tell you Roberto? The guy who runs the Taco cart down by the Pink Cadillac, is not Shorty!:roll: