Inshore Panga fishing - no trigger & rock bass


Does anybody have a contact, or know if there are Ponga captains who will take anglers out to target the inshore reefs and rock formations while trolling or throwing lures (like competition hill, below
El Capitan, etc) instead of the usual of using squid and catching dozens of trigger and rock bass?

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Does anybody have a contact, or know if there are Ponga captains who will take anglers out to target the inshore reefs and rock formations while trolling or throwing lures (like competition hill, below
El Capitan, etc) instead of the usual of using squid and catching dozens of trigger and rock bass?
I always wondered about this too... Like how much to take me over to backside of competition and let me troll or throw some lures? I can't think it could be more than $40/person. Last year, I saw a guy with either a small inflatable or some kind of small center console dingy or something was parked on beach in front of Wrecked taking people out for an hour to fish end of jetty and those support poles... He's using no gas virtually so how much you think he was charging? $25, $30 bucks???? I'd pay $25 to fish the end of the jetty for an hour or so...


I always wondered about this too... Like how much to take me over to backside of competition and let me troll or throw some lures? I can't think it could be more than $40/person. Last year, I saw a guy with either a small inflatable or some kind of small center console dingy or something was parked on beach in front of Wrecked taking people out for an hour to fish end of jetty and those support poles... He's using no gas virtually so how much you think he was charging? $25, $30 bucks???? I'd pay $25 to fish the end of the jetty for an hour or so...
Some years ago now Rick Hammer had the Christal Maria, a nice 23-foot panga that he charted for diving and fishing on the inner reefs almost exclusively. I never made it out with him but came close.


I always wondered about this too... Like how much to take me over to backside of competition and let me troll or throw some lures? I can't think it could be more than $40/person. Last year, I saw a guy with either a small inflatable or some kind of small center console dingy or something was parked on beach in front of Wrecked taking people out for an hour to fish end of jetty and those support poles... He's using no gas virtually so how much you think he was charging? $25, $30 bucks???? I'd pay $25 to fish the end of the jetty for an hour or so...
Good points Joe. I'm curious why there hasn't been more demand for this as well. I will check in to this and let you know if I find someone who might do this type of outing.

By the way, and long overdue... CONGRATULATIONS on that pig of a WSB you caught over the summer from your ski. I had no idea there were fish that big so close in. That had to be one of the greatest thrills when you first laid eyes on what you had on the end of your line !

While I had wondered for years if there was a ponga guy who would work those waters, it was your WSB catch that is actually causing me to look into it further.

Congrats again on a great fish !


Oh, I've fished the inner reefs and shore on a charter type Panga, I've even helped drop and pull in a net or two that we set in the harbor before working the shore toward Cholla in 85/6, then we'd pulled it in on the way back to the harbor. We'd troll around the bay with everyone else (locals) at that time of the hot summer for bait for us and more for them to keep themselves; then we'd hit it. I used to just go down to the launch area at the safe harbor and ask a Pango owner if they wanted to take myself and the wife out to fish that shore area on an incoming tide. The reef off of Marua was a target at times too. I don't know of any reason why that wouldn't work these days as well. Ha, back in the day there were times when I'd sit out on the wall at the public launch site, and make the fishing pantomime with my hands at the cars passing just for fun. Ask around, and remember that what's needed most for these type of fisherman is gas, and they might even have to buy if first. Be humble, be nice, and make friends, and don't be a piker. Did I ever tell you about when I hooked up with a juvenile three to four-foot billfish along that stretch of the shore on a large white Stripped Bass type jig? Or about the huge Orange Mouth Corvina on a 4-inch Super Duper?
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
The close areas are largely ignored as the further reefs generally have more fish. Doesn't mean there aren't decent fish close in, there are.

Like Kenny, I've surprised myself a few times. Like catching a nice size pinto on a sabiki rig while making bait just outside the mouth of Cholla Bay. And having a couple of Rapalas torn off by "something" slow trolling around the rocks in front of Cholla. Likely large grouper.

If you catch it, I want my Rapala back! :fish2:
I really like the idea of the close in panga fishing. Save time and $$. Thinking of hanging out at cholla ramp and asking around a bit and will keep checking for any recommendations. Thank you all!
I have a 25’ boat in Cholla, go down every other weekend. I’d be willing to take a couple people out for a half day at reasonable price. I’ve had good luck catching Corvina, Mackerel, Flounder, Pomano and others near shore.