I believe Margarita Osuna, I cant remember the name of the company it was located on Alcantar near Old Port. I understand there is now more work but that much of an increase is hard to understand.who do you use? We use Sun Valley
I believe Margarita Osuna, I cant remember the name of the company it was located on Alcantar near Old Port. I understand there is now more work but that much of an increase is hard to understand.who do you use? We use Sun Valley
Sebastian Velasquez RiosCan someone provide contact for the accountant in Mexicali that do not charge $100. I just called Sun Valley and they want to charge $100 also. So now Kazen and Sun Valley are charging high fees $100.
Who told you about the amount and the accounts?I was told yesterday that I need to bring $1600 to set upr two accounts. ONe is pese and one in dollars. If it ever drops below those amt you get a charge. They pay no interest. This is with a new bank open on Sat. I use to have a checking acct at Bancomer but closed it when I sold Spa. Any one have any better solutions?