I am so disappointed....


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I just can't do it. I am still too weak. I can't get up off of anything with out support. I can barely get in the Jeep. If I fell, we'd have to call the fire dept. Mom can't drive the Jeep either, in case I'd have to be brought home by ambulance. Jerry thinks I shouldn't come either. I'm SOOO upset......Everyone have a great time and post pictures......


Sorry to hear it. We'll do it again next year. This year, you can watch it live at www.sonoranresorts.mx/live. It is the live beach camera now but during the event, it will be a live view of the Las Vegas Night event. Asking $5.00 towards the charity to watch. Take care of yourself.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Jim I promised you the 30 bucks and that plus the 5 is what you'll get. Do you want me to mail it to you directly or send it down with Barb's in the mail and she can get it to you. If direct, PM me you addy.


I know how disappointed you must be. Don't worry.... it was REALLY windy and the breeze was COOL. I have to agree with your mom and Jerry; they are just thinking of what is best for you. There is plenty of time to get to the beach and you'll enjoy it soooo much more when you are feeling better. Take care & thinking of you :)
Sorry you were not able to make the trip once again.
One of the kids in our group got tagged by a stingray, so we ended not going to the Vegas Night.
Heard it was a lot of fun.
One day we will get to meet


Hi Shari,

Save your money until next year or give it Mark and Barb for their Ducky Race. There were a few prizes left over and those are going to that cause. We have already given the donation to DIF for the dialysis center. $5000 this year. Sorry you couln't make it but I'll make sure that you get a video. Take care and get rid of this thing that keeps causing you problems.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Too late, check's already in the mail.... Since the boat didn't go out I had a few extra bucks for Barb's duckies....


Hi LadyJeeper,so
I am listening to Rocky Point Ramblings, and I heard you are going to start coming back to Penasco- Congrats & Felicidades! So glad to hear you're doing better.