Hwy 5 south of San Felipe/Puertocitos paved?


Last time I travelled the road south of Puertocitos was about 15 years ago and the road was not paved. Does anyone know if Hwy #5 south of Puertocitos/San Felipe is paved all the way south to Chapala? We're doing a road trip on Harleys shortly and wondering if we could take this road. Tried to find some info on San Felipe forums but couldn't find anything. Thx, James.


Lovin it in RP!
Paved a long way down past Puertocitos but not over the mountain yet. Will be going that way next month


Thanks Russ. When coming back up the Baja on Harleys was hoping to turn off onto Hwy #5 at Chapala and come up through Puertocitos and San Felipe but if the road isn't paved then that's not an option. Appreciate your info.


Thanks Russ. When coming back up the Baja on Harleys was hoping to turn off onto Hwy #5 at Chapala and come up through Puertocitos and San Felipe but if the road isn't paved then that's not an option. Appreciate your info.
Yuma James, did you make in down to Panama?


Russ, I talked to a guy today and he said he had a buddy who just took the road from Puertocitos to Chapala and he said it is paved all the way. Its hard to trust third-hand information. You stated its not paved over the mountains, but I'm wondering if they paved it now? You mentioned you're going through there next month, if its not too much of a hassle could you please let me know if the road is paved all the way? We'd love to come up that way on Harleys, but only if its paved all the way. Thanks.
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Lovin it in RP!
Yes of course I will check, we were through about six months ago and it was not past Gonzaga bay, if it is done that's cool and they had to have hauled ass to get it done. I will see in 30 days


Lovin it in RP!
Here's a chat between me and my friend who uses the road every week who lives full time in San Felipe

Me "Hey John do you know if the road between Chapala and Gonzaga is finished ? I am getting conflicting reports and cannot find any actual road logs past Oct 2015. Thanks"
John "No it is not completed.
It is finished all the way to 7 miles short of Coco Corner. From the Chapala turn to Coco is 11 miles, so there are approx. 18 miles of unpaved road.
But the last time we were through it was not bad at all. The ranchers have kept it good....even looks graded on parts of the 18..."


BajaNomad has up to date info on that road. Check under Road Conditions. Not paved but they are working on the last 20 miles or so. Smoother than last spring but if it rains hard in the area it gets muddy fast.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I'll never forget my first trip from San Felipe down to Gonzaga, then out through Chapala and on to Punta Chivato and Mulege. It was beautiful, treacherous, humbling, and scary through the mountains. I don't think there was much in the way of pavement once you got south of San Felipe a bit, maybe to Puertocitos. and NONE to be had until you came back out on Mex 1 through Chapala. With that much pavement now in place, I may have to do it again!

I recall that trip taking 6 hours from San Felipe to Gonzaga -- all of 75 miles. There were many places you didn't dare go much more than 15 mph or so.

Ahhhhh, the adventure of it all! :D


Lovin it in RP!
It's quick work now getting from Gonzaga to Chapala I do it a few times a year in my 15 passenger van. We take beer, wine, a few blankets and that's in case we break down, well mostly. It's a great raw experience.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's a great raw experience.
Indeed. I remember the Army guys stopping us heading out to Chapala. My Spanish wasn't very good then. They were inspecting my Tahoe. VERY THOROUGHLY! As they were done, one of the young guys kept asking me for something, but I didn't understand what he wanted. Finally he pointed to my cooler. He simply wanted some ice. I said sure. He and his buddy ran and got their helmets and we filled them with ice. Man, we're they happy campers! As we left, I was thinking "Gee, I wonder when the last time was he had anything cold to drink?" They had obviously been camped there in the desert for awhile. It was one of those places you could accurately describe as being exactly in the middle of nowhere!


Indeed. I remember the Army guys stopping us heading out to Chapala. My Spanish wasn't very good then. They were inspecting my Tahoe. VERY THOROUGHLY! As they were done, one of the young guys kept asking me for something, but I didn't understand what he wanted. Finally he pointed to my cooler. He simply wanted some ice. I said sure. He and his buddy ran and got their helmets and we filled them with ice. Man, we're they happy campers! As we left, I was thinking "Gee, I wonder when the last time was he had anything cold to drink?" They had obviously been camped there in the desert for awhile. It was one of those places you could accurately describe as being exactly in the middle of nowhere!
Lol! Ice would be worth its weight in gold out in the middle of nowheres where those guys are. Had similar experiences at the military checkpoint north of El Golfo enroute back to Yuma. A few months ago one guy kept pointing to one of my coolers, finally asked me how much it costed, then asked if he could buy it off me. Wasn't intimidating me, I found it a very appropriate question considering we were in the middle of nowheres in the summer heat. I just chuckled and said take it. Another time they wanted to buy a can of WD40 I had in the back of my truck to use on their rifles. I've never had problems with these guys, always had fun with em, just young guys putting in their military time. I usually try to give em a cold Coke or snack when they're done inspecting me, I've noticed they always check to see if their supervisor is looking, then you have to slip it to them unseen.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I've noticed they always check to see if their supervisor is looking, then you have to slip it to them unseen.
Uh-huh. They especially liked inspecting my boat one time at Benjamin Hill coming back up from San Carlos. Seemed like they were taking a very long time down in the cabin. When I got home to Tempe, I opened the fridge in the cabin to find four empty bottles of Pacifico that were previously cold and full! :D