Better to put in office a successful, proven businessman, rather than an inexperienced, worthless, communist community organizer, whose birth records and educational history are virtually untraceable. History and performance are more significant than hair style.
You're such a card! :mrgreen: About that birth certificate thing, anyone with internet access can find out about Obama's birth certificate if they want to. Here's the thing, according to the State of Hawaii: Anyone requesting a copy of their Hawaii birth certificate gets one just like Obama did. The actual hospital document is not allowed to be copied or even viewed by "disinterested" parties, by LAW. Obama could request to view the original hospital document, but even he cannot even photocopy it. The law is the law. Ask former Republican governor Linda Lingle, who had no reason to lie about it and who verified the record. Genius Trump and the crack investigative team he sent to personally investigate this non-issue couldn't find that out? Then he needs to fire that team! I mean, this is a man who seems to have been unaware that birth notices are routinely published in newspapers all over the country.
He never saw one.
I personally know the birth certificate thing is true, btw, because my stepdaughter was born in Hawaii and guess what? Her birth certificate copy (Certificate of Live Birth) looks just the same, and she cannot get a copy of the hospital record of her birth, either. Put it to rest, man; Trump looks like a fool for pursuing this.
As for Obama's educational history, there's TONS of stuff available about it, including photos from year books, etc. It isn't hard to find, either. Criticize him for REAL stuff, not this BS tinfoil hat junk. Sheesh! :roll:
As for the Donald, I agree with the hot air and ego comment. When you really look, his record is not that great. Feet of clay, feet of clay! :rofl: