dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
and again a thread about the 'cruise port' turns into a thread about a former forum member. In a way he is accomplishing his goal. Just like the other thread, eventually 50% of the info is nonsense.


and again a thread about the 'cruise port' turns into a thread about a former forum member. In a way he is accomplishing his goal. Just like the other thread, eventually 50% of the info is nonsense.
Dry heat are you concerned about the effects of the terminal on the beach in front of your place.It also seems to me "a Northerner" will fill the channel with sand fast.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
I am concerned about the eroding effect of the beach with such a drastic change in the landscape. That being said, I know that an exhausting research and engineering study went on for a couple of years. As we know though, eventually the study with a higher economic impact will usually win (for good or bad). I just hope we don't have an Australian problem with the port. I do think that many are not realizing the amount of money that northern mexico will make over the next decade or so. lots of businesses setting up shop in the northern states. this eventually leads to a need for a cruise port. Eventually the national market will be the target (rather than the US market).


Eating Newbie Gringo Taco
I was out there Sunday, and nothing new had been done. Just the slightly improved access roadbed, the half-wrecked Wrecked wall, and those few boulders they brought in for the groundbreaking photo op.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
In Mexico, business seems to come to a complete stop during the last 2 weeks of December. Hopefully we will see activity in January.
They are adding new road bed on the old Cholla road starting from SBR's office. I am not sure if it is for the big trucks or continuation of the new road at the convension center.


Dry heat are you concerned about the effects of the terminal on the beach in front of your place.It also seems to me "a Northerner" will fill the channel with sand fast.
Beach erosion will create big problems for people owning beachfront homes. The Mexican government is constantly monitoring it and moves the fed zone accordingly. Most homes are built right on the edge of the fed zone and when they move it in your home is built on the fed zone causing your property taxes to triple basically forever. Not to mention the cost of a seawall to protect your home.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
spent the afternoon at Wrecked on Saturday afternoon. noticed a lot of activity, mainly the dumping of rock over and over again. I was amazed how many people just stood around looking at the dump trucks unload the rock. I guess that is entertainment for some or maybe disbelief that work is actually taking place.