```Boy that ```DIDN'T TAKE LONG ``` I knew it, I knew it, ``` HOOK UP ! ! ! ``` you took the ``` BAIT ``` as usual & I didn't even try ! ! ! ```:fish: y :fish: y :fish: y ```Ask and ye shall receive (within reason). You got your Staying Healthy forum; this is specifically for quick Trip Reports. Loved it, hated it... whatever. A lot of stuff gets buried in "General" and the two new forums will allow quick access to specific types of information.
Don't make me chica your cochinas, Happy. :woo:
```Boy that ```DIDN'T TAKE LONG ``` I knew it, I knew it, ``` HOOK UP ! ! ! ``` you took the ``` BAIT ``` as usual & I didn't even try ! ! ! ```:fish: y :fish: y :fish: y ```
``` Now you know why they call me the ``` GREAT HAPPY ``` :lol: :lol: :lol:
```Me Gustan Las Chicas ```MUY ``` Cochinas ```
```PS, I think you should consider taking a spanish class you,``` COCHINA :har:
```OMG```Another ``` "Culedo" ``` "GRINGO" ``` Hello, excuse me, the lites are on, "anybody home ? ? ? ```:lol: :lol: :lol: ```What is "I they Like The Small ```MUY ``` Filthy" maybe some spanish classes for you too?:notme:
Chicas is not small:cluck:What is "I they Like The Small ```MUY ``` Filthy" maybe some spanish classes for you too?:notme:
Wow! Its pry best not to tell someone who speaks spanish how to speak spanish! Especially if you're clueless...What is "I they Like The Small ```MUY ``` Filthy" maybe some spanish classes for you too?:notme:
I said it before and I will repeat myself again "DO NOT use the internet translator, make you look like an a@#, no, no, better yet and IDIOT trying to correct a person that speaks spanish!!What is "I they Like The Small ```MUY ``` Filthy" maybe some spanish classes for you too?:notme:
``` Huerita, you will ```ALWAYS ``` be my friend, no matter what, :cry: ```HAPPY, who is Holly Christ? :lol:
Hey you're married...Holly sounds hot, do you have any pics?
Holly is one of the ~ ~ ~ NASTY GIRLS ~ ~ ~ here's a phone # 520-623-6056Holly sounds hot, do you have any pics?
Here you go Tyler....Holly sounds hot, do you have any pics?