Here We Go Again Six More Found!

Normally that is when something happen with the sewer treatment plant. The same conditions would not be reported and the beaches would not be closed in Rocky Point. This happens very rarely and at least the notify you. I would not swim in the any of the ports in California or Rocky Point. Just think about it all the houses in Cholla Bay are on septic tank, where do you think they leach to?

Cholla Bay


Normally that is when something happen with the sewer treatment plant. The same conditions would not be reported and the beaches would not be closed in Rocky Point. This happens very rarely and at least the notify you. I would not swim in the any of the ports in California or Rocky Point. Just think about it all the houses in Cholla Bay are on septic tank, where do you think they leach to?

Cholla Bay
There is no question that the quality of the water and the clarity have changed drastically since I was a kid, and for a number of reasons.


Pintopoint.....why is it that everytime it rains get reports of the beaches being closed because of the runoff from the LA River?????
As you know Joe I love the Sea of Cortez, but having spent more than a few years surfing and diving off the coast of Southern Cali, and some of Ricks comments are right on. I had a "lay around" beach called Crescent bay in north Laguna, and for all practical purposes it's still the same. I'll bet a dime Rick knows both Crescent and Emerald bay's.

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Pintopoint and Kenny....I don't doubt that there are many great beaches and coves in CA......with perfectly clear and safe water.....but when I think of the "masses" that go to the CA beach....LA area and San have to admit that they leave something to desire.... As for Cholla Bay and the harbor (Penasco)....the tide does clear out the little pollution that is there......I've launched my jetskis(and swum) in both....with no ill effects...and there are so few shrimp boats in harbor nowadays....even their pollution is not as severe....
I will be fishing off Emerald Cove tomorrow. As far as I am concerned the more people that think California Beaches aren't worth coming to the better. I like Cholla Bay with less people. I like to camp on San Miguel island, part of the Channel Islands. No more than 125 people camp there each year. It's beaches are incredible. With all the reserves that California has put aside the population of fish is growing.

Cholla Bay


Fished both coves often, and a Hawaiian sling worked well around the rocks for bass, and on the sand flats for Halibut. Some great times in that area, and the women of Crescent bay were a good catch as well. We used to high dive off "shit rock" even though it's a national game reserve and off limits; that is until the coast guard or a life guards would kick us off. Have you ever dove around the Coronado Islands Rick? They used to have HUGE non clawed Lobster there.
It's true Joe, there are areas around Long Beach, and other beaches north, that can foam way more than they should, but the big Bonita off the breakwater in Long Beach where the "river" comes in were a blast to catch with light gear. The biggest problem there were the wharf rats who would fight you over your catch. OK, maybe not fight, but they way they would come out of the rocks and look at you with those big beady eye's was like pointing a gun at ya. LOL
cali shore

I have a Niece that works for the govt. in Washington and does the fed. report for the coast. She told me the only reason they don't close the beaches is that there is some clause that they didn't have to report or they would have been closed . If you look at the people that take kids to San Diego , there are more ear infections there, than anywhere else. She alaso dives with the Cousteau as a lawyer for them., doing the research on the coastal shores. How far out is the sewage line now ? 3, 4 or 5 miles. Also how much do we treat from the south so we can still swim in San Diego?
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I have not done any diving at the Coronado Islands. I normally dive north of there. We catch lots of lobsters and divers scallops on the channel islands. We used to dive the oil rigs in the channel, they are incredible, tons of scallops. Boat is all finished and can't wait to bring to Penasco. My trips have just been too short to haul it all that way. Boy has this thread got off topic!

Cholla Bay


No se como es ahora pero en 1984 cuando quize ingresar en UCLA, vivi en Santa Monica, por 7 meses, he iva a la playa todos los dias y muchas veces las playas de Santa Monica y Venice estaban cerradas, especialmente durante los Miercoles y Jueves por que estaban evacuando las plantas de tratamiento de agua que desenvocaban en el area de Malibu y Palisades? no importa, el caso es que si lo hacian en aquel entonces nada ha cambiado, todavia lo hacen y a lo mejor mas hoy en dia.
Las playas del Oceano Pacifico son las mejores playas del mundo, si hablamos de olas pero cuando hablamos de fauna y flora, el Mar de Cortez, como Jaque? decia, es el acuario del mundo y aunque mucha vida de el a muerto, debido a los metodos de pesca anticuados que hasta hoy se ustilizan, se esta regenerando y la paz y tranquilidad que se encuentran y lo que es mejor la hospitalidad y amistad que los locales del lugar ofrecen no lo van a encontrar en ningun lugar de Cali.


Never said that the Cali beach's were better, just that Rick had valid points, and you can't throw a blanket statement like Joe did about the beach's there.


... thar was i nice pic
That beach is almost the same today as it was 40+ years ago, unlike some of the other beaches north of there where I surfed and fished back in the day. There is a large colony of Sea Lions on and around the large rocks in the background, much like our bird Island. This picture was also taken there.