Thanks, Mark! He was definitely in the money then!
As I mentioned Saturday night, we had a good day. I had some greenhorns on the boat who had never fished in the ocean before, so no tourney for me. We made bait in the morning close in, then went to the 16 and were able to make a good amount of candy mackerel and sardines using sabikis. The guys had a lot of fun using the sabikis to make bait; totally new concept to them.
Headed to the 43 and the wind was out of the SE, lots of whitecaps and fairly choppy. We anchored up on the 43, but it was like a ghost town, we didn't catch a thing and weren't even getting any nibbles. I pulled anchor and headed to the 51. By the time we got to the 51, the water was starting to lay down real nice. We did several drifts and boated a mix of white seabass and very large red snappers on the live mackerel. The bite slowed down a bit, so I headed over to the 53.
By now, the water had turned to glass. I talked to Audi on the radio; he was at the Caballo and said it was strong wind, whitecaps and nearly 4 ft. waves over there. Same ocean, two completely different weather conditions. The Sea of Cortez is odd that way -- 35 miles between us made such a difference. We did well at the 53 - lots of large gold spot bass, a whitefish, and some kind of sculpin looking bright orange fish, I don't know the name.
We didn't see a single dolphin or whale all day. We did, however, have a cool hammerhead shark come around the boat and we had yellowtail also circle the boat, but they wouldn't take any fresh-cut chum or a lure. Very frustrating to see yummy yellowtail right there and they just aren't interested.
All in all, another great adventure on the beautiful Sea of Cortez!!!