Bummer! Cool beans! I'm stoked! That's awesome! Like, wow! Extreme, man! That's rad!
Hey, nothing wrong with groovy oldies but goodies like us!! Have you noticed that new catchphrase these days seems to be the word "Really?" added to everybody's statements? I'm hearing it all the time. I'm a writer, so I tend to notice these little nuances that warp and pervert the written and spoken English language over time. Example: "So and so said Congress wants to take $500 million from Medicare. Really?"
I had to verbally bitch-slap all my kids when they were growing up over the word "like". It was like, you know, like really a good movie, like. They caught on pretty quick when I'd parrot them back and tell them how many times they said "like" in a single sentence. But like, everybody talks like that, dad!! You're not everybody. Lose that word from your vocabulary!! Some day they'll thank me. Or not.