Great Video Rosy


July and August are not good times for measuring Rocky Point tourism. Mid-July to mid-September, and mid-November through mid-March are basically crossed off my list as Rocky Point visiting times. These are all prime times for doing other things in other places like the White Mtns of Arizona, the Rockies and the temperate California coast. What goes on mid-March to early July and mid-Septembe to mid-November is a better barometer of American tourism. I don't know whether Mexican tourism is on the same schedule since Mexico does not have the high-altitude/northern latitude alternatives we have in the US.

The Mirador is not a significant part of the Rocky Point experience for me. I particularly do not care for Manny's. It is not up to my standards, and I'm sorry but my standards aren't budging.

Rocky Point is indeed having an identity crisis. Rocky Point was never Loreto, but it once had a quaint charm that could have been built on with minimal investment. Now it is permanently over-shadowed by the intrusive monoliths of industrial tourism (Tessoro, the pigeon coops, Mayan Palace, etc.), and I'm not sure it can do much but continue in that sorry direction once the economy turns around. I'm expressing my subjective preference only, but Rocky Point can expect to lose the business of other Americans who share my preferences.

Maybe the best hope for the Mirador area is to re-invent itself as Old Rocky Point South with antique stores, quality art and furnishings and restaurants that ladies like (cobblestones, fountains, vines, patios.) Located conveniently for Las Conchas and adventurers from the Mayan Palace, it might be able to compete successfully with the Malecon/downtown area by simply offering one amenity that is scarce in Rocky Point: convenient parking.

The highway improvements to the south are mixed blessing. While it's possible that other Sea of Cortez/Mexican-quaint-village experiences will appear, I suspect we'll mainly see more grand scale projects that you'd have to pay me to stay at. And I hear there's a saying in Mexico that "at the end of bad roads, you will find good people. At the end of good roads, you will find all kinds of people." So much for the Steinbeck-like innocence of the Sea of Cortez and its coastline. I'm aware that there was always potential for problems of the worst kind in these remote stretches, but I suspect crime between Rocky Point and San Carlos will only get worse with more traffic and development.

Finally, as Esperanza noted, this forum does sometimes seem like a rough joint where things can come apart fast over the slightest perceived insult, which is surprising since it is centered around a place known for good times and relaxation, and you would think everyone would be laid back and in good spirits. I hate to think what it might be like without a bouncer like Stuart to toss out the rowdies, morons and the truly mean.
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Well, first of all, thank you Miramar, Esperanza and those who liked the video. I'm never fully comfortable with the way those things turn out, so the positive feedback is always appreciated.

I read through the posts and saw the ridiculous poo-pooing thats going on:
- "Oh, those aren't tourists with real money to spend...they're POCHOS!"
- "You call THIS tourism? I remember the heyday!"
- And other variations of "Humbug!"

All I can say is that some tourists are better than none and this year we're seeing more traffic than we have in three years. I spoke with Kurt Geisler and he tells me he's having a great year. I just got off the phone with Marcos of SeaSide in Princesa and he tells me they've been packed for the last three month straight. My insurance business is doing pretty darn good and this month I've fielded calls from people interested in buying property or condos.

Manny's, whether it's your cup of tea or not, had 300 people in there a week ago Saturday and while I don't have the numbers for last week, he was expecting to do even better. Yes, those are primarily locals (I can actually hear some of you say eww...), but money is money and activity is activity. I've seen Flavio's packed, so I don't know what the fuss is about that. I've seen Latitude 31 pretty busy too. As has been mentioned here, the hot summer months aren't traditionally busy in RP. We're all kind of wondering why the sudden change, but it's a good thing nonetheless.

I find it ironic that on another thread the discussion is about stocking up in the States and bringing food and supplies down with you, and in this thread it's what we're accusing the POCHOS of doing. MJ, I happen to resent your use of the word and your incorrect generalizations, but it's a free forum so go for it if it helps you feel like you're sounding more "in the know". From what I can tell by your previous posts...your ego does need the...hmm, okay, crotch-grabbing will do. Too bad your ego-boosting isn't as subtle as I'm sure you think it is.


I don't get all the whoo doo on this topic or the Pimps and hoes topic either. I think it's a function of summer bordom, too hot to do much other than sit in front of the computer. Again I am amused by reporting and responses from 'those in the know', the people who visit 10 or even 20 days a year, WOW. It has been pointed out several times in the past, how the occasional visitor has a much, much better understanding of Penasco than those fools who acutally live here, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. It's more important to be able to report that you remember a trip in 1995 and how much different it was then than it is now or make a little hackneyed joke report about someone selling his 'Seester", or refer people to a business that has been closed for years.

Even a casual observer who lives here, has noticed that the market has becoming more and more a Mexican market. It's a convenient beach destination for several very large cities besides Phoenix. Good, bad or indifferent what's all the blather about. Yes, Mexicans spend money differently from US folk and the Irish for that matter. Yes there have been a lot of Mexican visitors. I saw 4 busses from Chihuahua unloading a few days ago. Mid July is the time that a variety of Govt. offices and businesses actually close for vacation. We have always seen a boost during this period, and it has gotten bigger over the years. Some of you all seem to be complaining about this. What's the deal? Yes we had a round of complaints from US folk that reported they always brought all their food, beer and stuff from the US, now we've got comments because Hispanics from the US are doing it too !!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Truthfully, I don't begin to get the point. The name of the town is Puerto Penasco, there have been hoe houses here for a long time. Crystal Palace, Margarita villa location and some others. Calle 13 late night has always been what it is today, sort of the soft underbelly of a more civilized town. Sorry to tell you but you can buy drugs in the Fish Markets on the Malecon at more locations than on Calle 13. Virtually every city has formal and informal locations for specific activities and as long as they do it there and not elswhere no one complains too much. Shockingly too there have always been Mexicans visiting Penasco. Boggles the mind eh ?
I don't get all the whoo doo on this topic or the Pimps and hoes topic either. I think it's a function of summer bordom, too hot to do much other than sit in front of the computer. Again I am amused by reporting and responses from 'those in the know', the people who visit 10 or even 20 days a year, WOW. It has been pointed out several times in the past, how the occasional visitor has a much, much better understanding of Penasco than those fools who acutally live here, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. It's more important to be able to report that you remember a trip in 1995 and how much different it was then than it is now or make a little hackneyed joke report about someone selling his 'Seester", or refer people to a business that has been closed for years.

Even a casual observer who lives here, has noticed that the market has becoming more and more a Mexican market. It's a convenient beach destination for several very large cities besides Phoenix. Good, bad or indifferent what's all the blather about. Yes, Mexicans spend money differently from US folk and the Irish for that matter. Yes there have been a lot of Mexican visitors. I saw 4 busses from Chihuahua unloading a few days ago. Mid July is the time that a variety of Govt. offices and businesses actually close for vacation. We have always seen a boost during this period, and it has gotten bigger over the years. Some of you all seem to be complaining about this. What's the deal? Yes we had a round of complaints from US folk that reported they always brought all their food, beer and stuff from the US, now we've got comments because Hispanics from the US are doing it too !!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Truthfully, I don't begin to get the point. The name of the town is Puerto Penasco, there have been hoe houses here for a long time. Crystal Palace, Margarita villa location and some others. Calle 13 late night has always been what it is today, sort of the soft underbelly of a more civilized town. Sorry to tell you but you can buy drugs in the Fish Markets on the Malecon at more locations than on Calle 13. Virtually every city has formal and informal locations for specific activities and as long as they do it there and not elswhere no one complains too much. Shockingly too there have always been Mexicans visiting Penasco. Boggles the mind eh ?
Awesome post, Roberto. Thanks.


Boggles the mind eh ?
¿Kind of Canadian eh? lol its a joke dont get mad like others......geez![/QUOTE]

Now you'll start a whole off topic discussion of Canadian complaints. "I remember when I went to Quebec in the 70's......." Actually I think it's a bit more Brit than Canadian. I've always sort of fancied using that phrase meself.

On Edit: OK, got it, not the boggles, but the eh. There's a Mexican version too !!!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I've been there in November, January and February and there are lots of tourists there then....I don't understand...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I didnt even know the term pocho till 3 weeks ago when a business owner in RP said that he cant have pocho clients because they drink too much beer. This is a boat charter and the beer is free but for the price per head basically everything becomes free. I was like hhhmmmmm that sounds about right and now I love the term. MY EGO IS GROWING EXPONENTIALLY.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
When one of the most POPULAR BARS in TOWN closes for an ENTIRE MONTH, town is not busy. There are no social venues and thats unfortunate. When the most popular bar in RP is making it through the toughest times, watching as other businesses crack and crumble and they still have to CLOSE for an ENTIRE MONTH TOWN IS NOT BUSY. HOW THE HELL DO YOU CLOSE A BAR FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH hahahahahaha, thats SO CONTRADICTORY of TOWN IS BUSY COME ONE COME ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
maybe this is more of an appropriate observation based on changing demographic...

tipping down
nightclubs down
bars down
hotel occupancy up
condos up
hotel restaurants/bars up
lodging taxes up
strip clubs down
taco stands hold?
chiclet sales down
trinket sales down
nutela sales up
atv & other rentals up


Mex Joe, I'm tired of the nasty comments and your ego- my personal favorite: "Pochos dont spend money, you know who spends money? The 20-35 demographic who has to have all the latest phones, devices of all kinds, audio, flat screens, my wheels are better than yours, well my C class is better than yours, seriously these people and Im one of them have the DEEPEST pockets in AMERICA! . (And biggest egos).

Another one when I was talking about the Multiplier Effect of people spending money, and you answered: "Ha! You must have slept through economics class Miramar because thats not what the "Multiplier Effect" is. The Money Multiplier Effect refers to the multiplication of money through interest rates. Sorry buddy, do you remember what your grade was in the class?" ..... MexJoe, I got an A in all Economics classes I took in graduate school, but as a primer, here is what the Multiplier Effect is (simple explanation for you): "Simply put, when someone spends money, they make someone else money. That person then goes and spends that money, helping someone else to make money.

Person #1 —-spends—-> Person #2 —-spends—-> Person #3

Around and around the money goes, increasing the perceived wealth of everyone as more dollars eventually flow back into building bigger buildings, investors invest back into companies to help them grow and hire more workers, and entertainment spending increases as people have more discretionary income to spend."
A little more complex: When this multiplier exceeds one, the enhanced effect on income is called the multiplier effect. The mechanism that can give rise to a multiplier effect is that an initial incremental amount of spending can lead to increased consumption spending, increasing income further and hence further increasing consumption, etc., resulting in an overall increase in income greater than the initial incremental amount of spending.

My initial post was to say thanks to Rosy for producing a video to encourage people to come to Penasco. The other was to point out Rosy & Russ' radio show. If you have a comment to make, that's fine, but stop the name calling and bloviating.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Miramar, specifically tell me who I called a name! I didnt call anyone on this sight a name! Get your facts straight! Also, Im sure that sounds like a good and reasonable explanation of the MONEY MULTIPLIER EFFECT, however you are so wrong its a laugher. Did someone do your homework for you?! MIRAMAR YOU JUST DUG A BIG HOLE FOR YOURSELF MY FRIEND. You shouldnt claim that you know what the MME is if you have no idea. LITTLE ROSY must not know anything about the MME either because she THANKS your input and highly regards it as FACT, however YOU have no idea what you're talking about. The Money Multiplier Effect is money generated by Banks REGARDING FEDERAL RESERVE LIMITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The multiplier effect depends on the set reserve requirement. So, to calculate the impact of the multiplier effect on the money supply, we start with the amount banks initially take in through deposits and divide this by the reserve ratio. If, for example, the reserve requirement is 20%, for every $100 a customer deposits into a bank, $20 must be kept in reserve. However, the remaining $80 can be loaned out to other bank customers. This $80 is then deposited by these customers into another bank, which in turn must also keep 20%, or $16, in reserve but can lend out the remaining $64. This cycle continues - as more people deposit money and more banks continue lending it - until finally the $100 initially deposited creates a total of $500 ($100 / 0.2) in deposits. This creation of deposits is the multiplier effect." (

MIRAMAR I HAVE a BIG EGO and BIG EDUCATION. LITTLE ROSY, you just THANKED a post that was completely wrong and you're a business woman?

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Person #1 —-spends—-> Person #2 —-spends—-> Person #3 hahahahahahahahahahahahaha seriously??????!!!!!!!!! Hahaha I would have gotten an A tambien if ECONOMICS was that easy! What a joke! Im sure I seem like the AHOLE now....

Yes I would like the Money Multiplier Effect for a thousand! Yes, the Money Multiplier Effect is when person #1 spends money and then Person #2 spends money and then Person #3 spends money and then person #4.... Alex Tribec is looking at you in disgust, shaking his head like, wow thats really what you came up with. Thanks MIRAMAR MY EGO WAS VERY HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
If I dont get a BUNCH of THANKS below this Im going to be VERY DISAPPOINTED. Even when Im right no respect. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
MexJoe, I got an A in all Economics classes I took in graduate school, but as a primer, here is what the Multiplier Effect is (simple explanation for you): "Simply put, when someone spends money, they make someone else money. That person then goes and spends that money, helping someone else to make money.

Im glad you dumbed it down for me MIRAMAR. Thanks for insulting me I appreciate it. "SIMPLE EXPLANATION FOR YOU, SIMPLY PUT"............... Im not an idiot so you dont have to put anything SIMPLY. Miramar please break it down into lehmans terms for me please, " Mexico Joe please let me explain this in a more simple manner, simply put, the Money Multiplier Effect is when I spend money and then the next person makes the money and then they spend the money and then so on and so on. Mexico Joe do you get it? Thats as simple as I can make it. What college did you go to again? I want to email your answer to your economics professor so he can feel as ashamed as you should feel.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I apologize because maybe you misunderstood me when I said that, "we have deep pockets". I wasnt referring to how much money this generation or myself has, rather the fact that we'll spend our last amounts of money to, have fun, have a the newest coolest gadget, whatever the case may be. My ego isnt making this stuff up, theres been research done on this, its called MARKET TRENDS and yes my generation is in the forefront.
Five posts in a row? Don't look now, but your slip is showing, Dude. I thanked MIRAMAR for two things; for trying to bring the thread back to thanking me and Russ for our efforts and promoting the radio show and then for calling you out on that stupid "deepest pockets in America" comment.

You obviously fancy yourself a smart guy. Too bad you haven't figured out that if you were really that smart, you wouldn't have to keep telling people you are. I can tell people I'm not smart at all. I can say I don't know <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> about the MME effect and never studied economics. I further say that I never took a writing class or prepared in any way for having a radio program.
Oh yeah...but I have a radio show, run a successful business, contribute to my community and try to find time to write. Unlike some people, I don't hide behind an internet persona. Anyone reading my words knows exactly who I am and what I do...and I don't let that stop me from being straightforward and sharing my opinions. What's your claim to fame? Being a blowhard?

P.S. While you were getting your fancy higher education did you ever think about taking a basic spelling class?


Five posts in a row? Don't look now, but your slip is showing, Dude. I thanked MIRAMAR for two things; for trying to bring the thread back to thanking me and Russ for our efforts and promoting the radio show and then for calling you out on that stupid "deepest pockets in America" comment.

You obviously fancy yourself a smart guy. Too bad you haven't figured out that if you were really that smart, you wouldn't have to keep telling people you are. I can tell people I'm not smart at all. I can say I don't know <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> about the MME effect and never studied economics. I further say that I never took a writing class or prepared in any way for having a radio program.
Oh yeah...but I have a radio show, run a successful business, contribute to my community and try to find time to write. Unlike some people, I don't hide behind an internet persona. Anyone reading my words knows exactly who I am and what I do...and I don't let that stop me from being straightforward and sharing my opinions. What's your claim to fame? Being a blowhard?

P.S. While you were getting your fancy higher education did you ever think about taking a basic spelling class?

As Chari puts it: "Snicker"