Hey whale watchers out there.............
You all might look at any field guide on marine mammals and determine in an instant that the animal in the video is NOT a Grey Whale.
The ignorance spouted here is like calling a Greyhound an English Bulldog.
The short squatty slow swimming Grey Whale of the Pacific Coast that as far as any scientific records reveal to date never is found in the Sea of Cortez.
The Grey Whale is easily identified by the permanent scars and living parasite load of specialized barnacles on the humped head and back. There is no dorsal fin. The pleats or grooves under the head number only two to five and only extend a few feet beyond the chin. They are grubbers that feed exclusively on muddy bottom dwelling clams, crabs etc. They have two blowholes that form a very distinct "V" or heart shaped blow.
The long slender Fin Whale known as the "Greyhound of the Sea" is one of the fastest swimming whales known. Their slick "V" shaped flat head and back with the distinct short dorsal fin and the 50 to 100 pleats that begin under the chin and continue to their navel are designed to swallow a thousand gallons of water along with hundreds of pounds of small fish, krill and an occasional sea bird. They have no permanent barnacles as their high speed swimming and slick skin prevents them from attachment. They have a single blowhole that produces a typical tall single shot blow.
Just stating the facts.
The whale in the video is the common Fin Whale.