GOOD NEWS!!!! :sunny: I just got back from the doctor and my CT scan showed the swelling in my lymph nods has improved considerably and the speck has stayed the same. The SOP on this is to monitor for two years and if all stays the same there is a 99.9% chance all is well. We'll take a look again in 6 months but I feel Good, I'm putting on a little weight and I haven't had a cigarette going on three months now. This has been one long long summer, I started feeling off in June. Wow, it feels like a big load has been lifted and I think I can breath again..No pun intended.LOL I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the prayers and support you guy's have given me. Thanksgiving will have a little more meaning this year.
Hey Ric.. :boat: :fish:
Hey Ric.. :boat: :fish: