

AKA Carnac
53 liters for 520.00 peso's dollars sold for 14.36 1 liter/ approx. .264 gallons To make a long story short, just over 2.58 a gallon for gas, not sure about diesel.
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Sunday June 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] filled up with diesel fuel at thelast Pemex leaving town. 223.96 lts. (59.16 gl.) for 2,300 pesos. I asked for theexchange rate before filling up and was quoted 12.5 which would have been$184.00us but she showed me on her calculator $192.00, she used 12 so make sureyou use your own calculator. I paid in pesos that I purchased at 14.00 so theend results were $2.78 per gallon and I saved $20.00 (my calculator) or $28.00(her calculator). Just goes to show that paying in pesos can save you a fewbucks and to always make sure you verify their calculations.
Dan...sounds like the price per liter (pesos) hasn't decreased since May...just the exchange rate has improved. I always use pesos to buy fuel down there, even with paying the small ATM fee at the bank.