Gas Import Limits into US from Mexico


Can any of you regular border crossers advise whether ADOT/US Customs is still taxing or generally restricting gas purchases from Mexico?

Thanks. :usa: :mexico:


Ive heard they leave at 5:00pm. so i make sure i cross later. I bring 120 gal of diseil. they always ask at the border, but never detain me.


While were on the fuel subject, someone told me that my 2004 superduty might not run correctly on Mexican diesel. Something about sulfur content or something? Anyone have any info on this?


While were on the fuel subject, someone told me that my 2004 superduty might not run correctly on Mexican diesel. Something about sulfur content or something? Anyone have any info on this?
GAWD!!! fiesta, don't you remember? you started the thread on "Diesel" and Stuart explained it, you need to take it easy in the swim-up bar!!!! or just a brain fart? (phweeeeit!!) ha, ha, ha :lol: :lol:
Sorry fiesta, I just checked the "Diesel" thread and nothing, I think I am having the brain fart(phwaaaaaaT!!) phew that was a big one, I guess it was in the old forum? :eek3:
While were on the fuel subject, someone told me that my 2004 superduty might not run correctly on Mexican diesel. Something about sulfur content or something? Anyone have any info on this?
I believe the ultra low sulfur engines didn't come out until 2007. My 2006 Dodge can run on the Mexican diesel. The 2007's run the risk of gumming up the sensors. Probably wouldn't be a problem with a fill-up down there, but not continuously. From what I've read, the low sulfur (not the Ultra low sulfur) is actually better for the engine...better lubrication.


So what does Mexico have? Low sulfur? What does the US have? i just want to make sure I add an additive if I need to because I run ONLY Mexican diesel now. Thanks Joe. PS: Inka, the diesel thread I started was about bringing diesel back. And yes, I have spent WAY to much money and time at the baja swim up bar! Im averaging about $150 a day there lately! Watered down rum drinks and umbrella drinks for the chickies!
Most of the Mexican gas stations carry the low sulfur....I believe that there is a different sign they have for the ultra low sulfur....the last I read on it, it hadn't made it to many of the stations yet.....mainly available only in the major Mexican cities. I didn't notice a different colored sign even at the new Pemex out by the airport. The US has switched over to ultra low sulfur diesel. That's probably one of the many excuses the oil companies are using for zapping us on the price!

Check your owners manual....but I'm pretty sure your 2004 Superduty is a low sulfur additives required....I've been running the Mexican liesel for some time, with an occasional fill-up here in Phoenix....there is a difference in the exhaust when I stomp on it, and the turbo kicks in.....initially a bit more black smoke on the Mexican stuff.


My 2004 F250 has had no problems with Mexican diesel. It's 2007 year motors that require ultra low sulfur diesel (15 ppm) vs the low sulfur (500 ppm), so older motors can run on either.