Then you agree with my last post dry rash, don't you?. No way 99% think it's all hunky dory.I totally understand why some owners who are losing their homes because they can't do as they please and those that took advantage of the resort would be upset.
I never said anything about non guests using the facilities....Las Palomas is not reinventing the wheel. Most condo/resorts around the world have similar rules regarding impact fee's for guests, not allowing non-guests to use facilties such as pools and gyms, and not allowing owners to set their own pricing. If someone wants no rules and wants no one to tell them what to do then don't live in a planned community. It is no different that someone owning in an community that is governed by a homeowners association and that association tells you such things as you have to pull your weeds, you can't park on the street overnight, etc. I totally understand why some owners who are losing their homes because they can't do as they please and those that took advantage of the resort would be upset. Before you purchase something read the bylaws of what you can and can't do. Just because you own something does not mean you can do as you please, unless you live in a van down by the river- or should I say a trailer down by the sea. Bring it fools... Bring it fools, I miss you guys.![]()
Trailer by the sea...sounds like a good song title or maybe a detective series where the divorced private eye or cop on the edge lives by ...oops James Gardner, Mel Gibson etc. have already done it.Thank God I live in a trailer by the sea!!!......
Kenny, you are absolutely correct. Many, many owners at Las Palomas have not drunk the Kool aid and are unhappy with these ridiculous rules. Can you imagine paying several hundred dollars a month in HOA fees and then being asked to spend another $25 plus $5 per person per day for your own guests to stay in your condo? Pretty short sighted huh? Maybe this will help keep a few "rif raff" from the resort and stop some owners from charging low rates, but this has to hurt resale values. After all, who would buy into a resort that charges you to use your own personal condo?Then you agree with my last post dry rash, don't you?. No way 99% think it's all hunky dory.
Pure nonsense. No resort in Rocky Point other than Las Palomas nor "most in the world" have impact fee's for guests of owners.Las Palomas is not reinventing the wheel. Most condo/resorts around the world have similar rules regarding impact fee's for guests)
Now as far as dry rash is concerned; Well some of us think he just might be bored and making up stories, you know, having to sit at home with that ankle bracelet on... It would be very hard for me to slander a no face no name, now wouldn't it?Bring it fools... Bring it fools, I miss you guys.
If you are getting what you wanted in your purchase...that's great....enjoy! However, trying to convince us that a $25 wristband provides some kind of accountability is just rationalization on your part.A lot of people were renting out their condos as "guests of the owners" also. They did not personally know the people. People not going through check in etc. We bought in LP because it was what WE wanted. We did not want a free for all at the pools . There has to be some accountability of who is there. Yes, we pay HOA's and I do not think it is out of line for a friend we might lend our condo to to pay 25 dollars for a frigging wrist band to
assure the management they are there legitimately.
This really gets old. Some of you guys have different ideas than a few of us. Whenever a condo owner pipes up on here it is like a swarm of ants on a piece of watermelon. The resort type atmosphere is what some of us
wanted. We have a right to reasonably expect that it is secure. YES some of us do not mind the extra 25 dollars for more of a sense of security. They do monitor those bands and I for one am glad.