Fresh produce availability


What fresh fruits and veggies are available here? Can we get fresh coconuts, papayas, pineapples, etc? Where are the farmers markets, mercados, etc located?



Hola. Welcome to the forum.

You have many options for fresh produce here but no farmer's markets. My favorite fruiteria has been a family run place on Sinaloa a few blocks from Fremont. They truck the stuff in themselves and often there will often be a truck unloading. Yes, all that you list and more are available. Super Ley has decent produce as does the Santa Fe Market. The Bodega (Wal Mart) has had marginal produce at best.
I've only visited Sam's, Bodega Aurerra, SuperLey and Santa Fe Market thus far. Although they all had coconuts, papayas and pineapples, for general produce selection and quality, Santa Fe tops my list. (Sam's is on the north end of Benito Juarez . . . Santa Fe about a block south)


Hola. Welcome to the forum.

You have many options for fresh produce here but no farmer's markets. My favorite fruiteria has been a family run place on Sinaloa a few blocks from Fremont. They truck the stuff in themselves and often there will often be a truck unloading. Yes, all that you list and more are available. Super Ley has decent produce as does the Santa Fe Market. The Bodega (Wal Mart) has had marginal produce at best.