Food drive

FOOD DRIVE for the Less Fortunate in Puerto Penasco...

This coming Wednesday April 25, 2012 our dear friend who I like to think of as a "Real Life Superman" Arthur G. Sloane will be laying out the details in his column in the ARIZONA REPUBLIC , CHANDLER SECTION the name of the column is "SUN LAKES". The FOOD DRIVE will run from Wednesday April 25th until Friday June 8th 2012.

Art will provide details on where to drop off your donations and what types of items are most desired, in his article. Art is well known for his work related to assisting our Veterans... Art is a member of the "Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame" and he also writes the Veterans column for the Arizona Republic.

Until recently Art had been conducting bus tours to Rocky Point and for 13 years my wife Barb and I were involved with making the reservations and scheduling of all the activities for these tours. All proceeds (10's of thousands of dollars) after costs of the tours were donated by Art to the Phoenix Veterans Hospital and to remodel Veterans Homes in the Valley of the Sun.

So PLEASE if you would like to Help us, be sure to check out Arts column this coming Wednesday April 25, 2012 in the ARIZONA REPUBLIC, CHANDLER SECTION the name of the column is "SUN LAKES" or keep a watch for updates on my FaceBook page (Mark Olszewski)...

Again THANK YOU to all of our friends who have donated their time, money or goods to help us help the less fortunate folks here in Puerto Penasco... Your Support is very welcomed and extremely appreciated... we love ya all... and please feel free to share this message with all of your friends and family... PLEASE Share on FaceBook
[h=6]If you are in Rocky Point and would like to Help Out with our FOOD DRIVE to help feed the less fortunate of Puerto Penasco, Rocky Point, Mexico, You can contact me here on the forum or contact Sandra O'Hare, the Rocky Point Times Office has volunteered to be a drop off location for your donations of non-parishable foods... Please mark your donations "Rocky Point FOOD DRIVE"

Major items we seek are: dehydrated milk, canned tuna, canned meats, rice, beans, ramen noodles, pastas and canned veggies...

Thank You for your Support
[/h] Rocky Point Times In Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico
[h=6]If you are in the the Tucson area and would like to Help Out with our FOOD DRIVE to help feed the less fortunate of Puerto Penasco, Rocky Point, Mexico, Please contact Eduardo and Alicia Vivanco of Rocky Point Rides and they will bring down your donations of non-parishable foods to us here in Rocky Point...

Major items we seek are: dehydrated milk, canned tuna, canned meats, rice, beans, ramen noodles, pastas and canned veggies...

Thank You all for your Support...
[/h]Shuttle Service Tucson to Rocky Point, MX Shuttle service between Tucson, Arizona and Rocky Point/Puerto Penasco, Mexico


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Can you provide a link to the article? I looked all thru azcentral Chandler section and could not find it.......
It's in the Arizona Republic... Chandler section and the column is Sun Lakes... I haven't got a copy of it yet I'm waiting for Art to send it to me, when I get it I will post it...
Chari it's on page 10 of the Chandler section... Art said they cut half of of what he wrote out, but the part about the Food drive is still there...


As a matter of simple convenience, and with Sea's approval, you may drop food donations at Twin Dolphins Real Estate on Fremont. We are open 7 days from 9 to 5, located on Fremont just off Benito Juarez next to the Cruz Roja. The RP Times people are always helpful but their office is closed several days a week, including weekends. We will notify Sea of any donations and be sure things get to him.