Fly Fishing Rocky Point


Were you fishing the 1st or 2nd estuary? The 1st is at the 8 mile turn off, the 2nd is down by Mayan palace.


Norty, you've got an outstanding web site. And evidently a pair of really big ones to be out there in a float tube. I use a Fish Cat for relatively sedate places like Big Lake and Becker, but you won't see me out there in a float tube where the big waves can suddenly come rolling in.


That is La Pinta; Pelican Point would also be a good place to try from shore.

Norty, Thanks for posting the report.
Sorry the opportunity was not there to show your 'fans' some nice corvina's and bones.

So do you use flippers or paddles on those pontoons?
Wahoo, we'll have to try that out next time. I use flippers for 90% of travel on the water but have the oars there in case the current gets bad or I need to move fast.

It was for sure a new experience though pontooning in the ocean. I was pretty nervous for the first little bit. You should have seen the crowd watching us from near the shrimp statue. haha I think they were waiting for a shark to breach on us. lol

The third day that seal hung out around us and played a mean trick that got my heart racing for a second.

Thanks for the kind words guys!
Beautiful pictures. Now I want to drag my kayak down there again. Looks like we'll only get one trip this year though :(


Thanks for the report. I grew up spending a lot of time down there, but not since the 90's. I'll be back in December with a full quiver of rods and a bunch of flies.


Thanks for the report. I grew up spending a lot of time down there, but not since the 90's. I'll be back in December with a full quiver of rods and a bunch of flies.
Hey Angler, welcome. A couple thoughts before you head down:

I also have been coming down since the early 80's. It's still one of the real treasures to live and visit, IMO. At the same time, things have changed a lot. Some really good, some not so good. Life, right? As far as fishing goes, and I am far from being an expert, shore fishing and in-shore/close to shore fishing has changed dramatically. (at the same time, guys still seem to be killing it for big grouper, white sea bass, snapper, etc out at the far out / 12-50 mile reefs). We used to be able to catch huge trigger, fat bass, and plenty of corvina in abundance and almost every trip down. That is not the case any longer. Not sure the exact reasons, but the abundance of fish available close-in has definitely waned. In December, the fishing from shore can be really slow. Sometimes you can get lucky throwing metal and hook up with some nice flounder, an occasional but small trigger, small bass, etc. Of course, every now and then you'll get something worthwhile, but by in large, the size and quantity of fish caught from shore has diminished greatly. And, the primary reason to share this is not as a downer, but if you come with proper expectations and not compare to the 'good 'ol days', your time fishing will still be very enjoyable. Your cooler will just be a bit lighter.

Best of luck and enjoy the "new" Penasco. Still a special place for so many people.


I have heard about the changes. My family switched to going to San Carlos years ago because of the development. But my uncle has a permanent place down there and loves it. I will try to keep an open mind. But that said, I'm excited to see it again after 20 years......

Good to know, expectation wise. I didn't plan the trip to fish, just to sightsee. I always bring the gear and will give it a shot.