Fly fishing in Rocky Point

I'm fairly new to salt water fishing but since last November I have logged 21 days in my pontoon at and around Rocky Point. I usually catch Trigger, Cabria, and Parrot fish. This last trip I made over Vetrans Day I was able to get into a different type of fish on the rising tide off some structure on poppers. I believe they are Leatherback Jacks but am kind of new to all the different types of fish that are in the ocean. Here are some pics. I used chartreuse clousers, gotcha, charlies and white poppers.

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Is it pompano .???? Because they look different from other pompano that I have seen. The mouths seem different and they were pretty big (some 18-20". It was crazy action!! Just one right after the other and then they would move some and I would paddle over somewhere and then the fun began again. I would love to get into bigger fish at Rocky Point but just not sure I can do it in my pontoon and with fly gear but that's all I do.
~ ~ ~ After all my years of fishing RP I learned something new, thanks,

~ ~ ~ Now freddie, in as much as you are a newbe on here, I been on this shi# forum for yrs. and I can tell you who the RATS are, ~ ~ ~ 1ST off I DON'T LIE, ~ ~ ~ you no doubt have read the posts on here today, ~ ~ ~

What I said about that "PERVERT Stuart" is the truth & nothing but, I can't help it if I won't stand for someone telling forum members to ~ ~ ~ "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT" ~ ~ ~ "FEEL FREE TO BLOW ME" "BLOW ME" OR TO POST ON ANOTHER FORUM ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ "FUC@ THE CHILDREN" ~ ~ ~ sorry but I don't go for that kind of SHI@ ! ! !

~ ~ ~ And thats what you have in that wanabe "moderator of a PERVERT Stuart,

~ ~ ~ Be very carefull here freddie ~ ~ ~ one of the BIGGEST RATS here is that fuckin@ russ, this is a true BASTARD ! ! ! of the lowest kind ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ then there is FAT ASS"ED GV JACK AKA THE FAT HOTO ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ THE TRUTH HURTS, BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS, I COULD NAME A FEW MORE HERE BUT I LEAVE IT FOR NOW, ~ ~ ~ I'LL GET A LIST TO POST HERE ~ ~ ~
don't really care about all that I just want to fish!!!


Great report!

Great eating Pompano is what you have there.
That's no pompano. Mouth is too big and pompano typically don't have the yellow fins.

Paloma Pompano - Paloma Pompano fish pictures and species identification

Leather Jack - Leatherjack fish pictures and species identification

You want to catch bigger fish? Throw a bigger fly! You'll catch less, but I throw a Bob's Banger ( and have caught all sorts of stuff - big sierras, bonita, dolphin fish, grouper and pargo. I fish one in either silver or green that is about 3/4" in diameter and about 3" long. Bob's Banger is easy to tie and really light for it's size.
Thanks for the report and identification. I usually fish the first and second estuary and sometimes along the blvd and the point. I have fished the rocks beyond Sandy beach before Chola bay. I am looking for more structure so I can catch different types of fish besides Cabria, Trigger and Parrot fish. I use my fin paddling pontoon with ors. Is the area along Los Conchas good for fishing? Where would I put in? I have not tried that area yet. Are there other areas that I should fish? I like the incomming tide. If the tide flux is high I stay out of the estuarys because they push me around too much and it's too hard to get my 350 grain fly line down.

I usually fish clousers and bone fish patterns that look like shrimp. Should I try other flys too? What?


Anything that looks like a sardine or a mullet.

I tied a dozen of these last night. It is called a CK baitfish and fishes just like a soft plastic jerkbait. If you have ever fished a slugo or a bass assassin, they fish the same - they sink slow and have a walk the dog action. I tie them in white on white, chartreuse on chartreuse, blue on chartreuse, black on chartreuse and olive on chartreuse. If it ain't chartreuse, it ain't no use..... This is a big fly. It is tied on a 2/0 tuna hook. Must tie it on your line with a loop knot. I tie just about everything on with a loop knot for added action.


For sardines, I tie stuff like this yak sardine. I don't really follow a specific pattern, but this one is close. I use clear cure goo, a UV epoxy because it sets immediately with UV. Tie in a mix of sizes to match the hatch.

Fly Tying Instructions: Capt Vaughn Podmore Ties the Yak Sardine - YouTube


One of my favorite flies when the bait is really small is the gummy minnow. I don't tie these, I buy them. When speckled trout are on small bait, these kill and I imagine they would do the same for corvina.


I almost forgot the crease fly. It is a type of popper that is a little more subtle than Bob's Banger. Blue over white or green over white. They are light and cast really well.


If fishing estuary mouths, outgoing tides will often fish the best. If you can find a current break (sand bar or other eddy line) where the estuary dumps out, you will find something feeding on that seam.

<edit> Found this today. May tie a few tonight. Looks like a good sardine pattern.
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Wow!!! That's the kind of input what I'm talking about. Thanks so much. I'll get to tying for my next trip.

I usually use a 350 30 foot sink line but do have an outbound line I use for poppers.
I'm planning on getting the rio tropical line for Clousers. Do you use your sinking line on the ck baitfish and the gummy minnows?
I have tied crease flys but don't have alot of confidence in them because I have never had success with them and they drag alot when you are throwing them; however, I have only tried mainly for bass and a few times on the salt . I painted them silver though and like small rainbow trout....I'll try blue/silver and chartreuse/white or silver.

A lot of time I think the color doesn't matter and the fish will just about take anything if it is presented right... am I wrong in presuming this?

Thanks again..... I want to get good on the Salt


I use my intermediate the most. It is a Rio Outbound Short and I absolutely love that line. I typically only use my full sink in heavy current.

I think color does matter particularly if there is a lot of natural bait in the water. Particularly for larger fish. I've seen roosters and tuna both turn their noses at the "wrong" fly just like a picky trout in a stream. That said, I fish an awful lot of chartreuse and white.

I want to get good in the salt too! Still feel like I am learning.
Nice photos. I've sat in that exact spot in the kayak and caught fish after fish. Of course, sometimes I've been there and caught not much, but it's usually killer.