Flounder Done! Stingray Next....


please inform me of this corvinas club.
South shore fishing vs. near Rocky point shore fishing rivalry with a little smack talking all rolled together(sort of east coast-west coast rapper rivalry except ,thank god no one raps)....Kenny ,that huge fish that got away from you at Germans Point....I was talking with one of those old school Corvina chaser/jeep patrol guys that have been crusing the beach from Desemboque to San Jorge for 50 years says it most likely was a Totoaba... there is some type of weird water pattern there that brings them near shore south of Santo Tomas once a year

Justseeds: Blog: The Totoaba Croaks

hey come on down south the next time we are shore fishing! Cky

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
South shore fishing vs. near Rocky point shore fishing rivalry with a little smack talking all rolled together(sort of east coast-west coast rapper rivalry except ,thank god no one raps)....Kenny ,that huge fish that got away from you at Germans Point....I was talking with one of those old school Corvina chaser/jeep patrol guys that have been crusing the beach from Desemboque to San Jorge for 50 years says it most likely was a Totoaba... there is some type of weird water pattern there that brings them near shore south of Santo Tomas once a year

Justseeds: Blog: The Totoaba Croaks

hey come on down south the next time we are shore fishing! Cky

The 4 Corvinas are a group of us members that DOG made up, still trying to figure out who the fourth Corvina is....

Jerry, the TACO is coming down onto the beach. High speed run up the spit in 5 minutes, LED off road lights for the snack runs to the Ejido at night!