papi chulo
Thats some pretty entertaining back and forth but what is "SMH?"
SMH = Shaking My Head (generally as in disbelief, or frustration)Thats some pretty entertaining back and forth but what is "SMH?"
Whatever, Joe. FYI - I didn't threaten to ban you. You are welcome to voice your opinion, as I am mine. But you have a BAD HABIT of trying to shout people down in making your point. All over this forum, not just this thread. You'll also notice that some of your posts (and a few others) of late have gone missing because you insist on injecting politics into threads. That is a no-no here and you know it.SMH You're the worst offender. You're the keyboard commando that will ban someone for the slightest infraction and tell them to go suck it if they dont like it. I don't know if you have forgotten but this is an internet FORUM where people created conversation and VOICE THEIR OPINIONS for discussion. I didn't tell anyone off, I asked a question, and a valid one at that. Why are we killing the shark? SMH Whats that saying? People that live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones?
Not yet it's not! When you were catching the big (at that time and for some time after species unknown) black tip, you sure didn't mention eating him. All you were talking about on the video was bragging rights and that it would bring you "top dollar".Whatever, Joe. FYI - I didn't threaten to ban you. You are welcome to voice your opinion, as I am mine. But you have a BAD HABIT of trying to shout people down in making your point. All over this forum, not just this thread. You'll also notice that some of your posts (and a few others) of late have gone missing because you insist on injecting politics into threads. That is a no-no here and you know it.
Back to your question - Why are we killing the shark? Because they are damned good to eat. They are a legal, but not common, catch. If you don't like it, too bad. Stay on your kayak and keep killing the corvina, k? I'm sure that somewhere, there are people that wonder why you are killing the corvina, so please try not to be so hypocritical in the future.
One man's gamefish is another man's bait. End of story.uff:
I can remember more than one or two fish and remember them well that I've kept, but in hind site I would have let them live.We encountered mako sharks near the boat on 3 of the 5 days we fished at 3 different spots at 23 to 52 miles out. We were not chumming or targeting sharks, just catching other fish that the sharks thought were an easy lunch. You can't avoid them sometimes and I hope to release the next one we catch unharmed.
Whatever, Joe. FYI - I didn't threaten to ban you. You are welcome to voice your opinion, as I am mine. But you have a BAD HABIT of trying to shout people down in making your point. All over this forum, not just this thread. You'll also notice that some of your posts (and a few others) of late have gone missing because you insist on injecting politics into threads. That is a no-no here and you know it.
Back to your question - Why are we killing the shark? Because they are damned good to eat. They are a legal, but not common, catch. If you don't like it, too bad. Stay on your kayak and keep killing the corvina, k? I'm sure that somewhere, there are people that wonder why you are killing the corvina, so please try not to be so hypocritical in the future.
One man's gamefish is another man's bait. End of story.uff:
Cut off's or no? Watch your step young man as we're all not yuppies on here; at least not yet.LOLStuart btw, I dont belittle you because you still wear jean shorts.
YouTubeHate to say, you don"t taste much fish, better, than Mako.You do know what they eat ?We saw a 7 to 8 foot black tip in Lobos. First time in 28 yrs. There are yellow tail in Lobos ,as well as 50 netters. Leigh