Only one rod or line with hook is permitted in the water, per person, but there is no restriction regarding the number of replacement items.
The fishing license allows you to capture only fin fish. It does not allow you to capture any mollusks or crustaceans, and their capture by anyone is strictly prohibited. Totuava, turtles and marine mammals are under protection of the Ministry and may not be captured at any time.
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The exception to this rule is Marlin, Sailfish and Swordfish and Shark, of which only one (1) of each is allowed, and which counts as five (5) toward the overall ten (10) fish limit.
Additionally Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two (2) of each species are allowed, and which count as five (5) toward the overall 10 fish limit.
Like we said, a little confusing so here are some example of daily limits. Remember you can always come back tomorrow.
Bag Limits
Ok, so here goes the fishing regulations are like this, The daily limit is ten fish per permit holder.
Sounds simple enough but it get´s complicated when you start catching fish like Marlin or Dorado or Shark.
In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten (10) fish per day, with no more than five (5) catches of a single species.
Examples of Daily Limit
• One Marlin and 2 Dorado or
• One Sailfish and One Marlin or
• 2 Dorado and 2 Roosterfish or
• One Shark and One Marlin or
• One Marlin and 5 Amberjack