Fishing Regulations?

I have read the fishing regulations and I had a couple questions.

1. I enjoy fresh sushi and cevechi but the regulations speak about not cleaning fish until you are back at the dock. Is there any way around this?

2. What about gutting the fish?

3. What if you are out for a couple of days what do you do with the fish?



Stay Thirsty My Friends
1.- You may clean or consume fish before returning to dock- lot's of the private charters out of RP make ceviche for thier customers while they are out on the water; but you need to keep the head for each gamefish that is consumed, and leave a patch of skin on each piece that is put on ice. The patch of skin needs to be large enough to identify the species. If you clean fish on the water, it is illegal to throw the waste (heads, tails, etc) overboard- it must be bagged and disposed of on shore.

2.- Gutting is fine- but again, don't throw the waste overboard (unless it is with the deliberate intention of chumming- which is legal)

3.- Build a refrigerated hold, or keep LOTS of ice on board.
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Thanks Robert,
I have a huge icebox built onboard. I want to clean the fish and if it was small enough vaccume seal it and put in on ice. I hate to waste good fish. I have two fish holds with saltwater sprayers to keep the fish from sitting in the sun. From what I have seen on this forum I can always use more space to put fish. I am putting the newly refurbished trailer back under the boat this weekend and hope to have it the water shortley.

This is not an OK to do or a recommendation. The law is as above. I believe many people clean and dispose of the guts and head at sea. Don't do it in close where the stuff will wash up on shore. Don't throw GENERAL waste overboard. I personally feed the Pelicans or Sea Gulls as I clean. They love it and it is fun to watch them. NO WASTE OR POLLUTION HERE. Take it to the trash, it goes to waste at the dump.


Returning the entrails to the ocean is probably the best thing you can do with them. I've been checked three times and nobody ever said anything about fish I'd already filleted. Onboard fish tacos are the best there is.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
I fully agree about the practicality (versus the law) about tossing entrails overboard when cleaning at sea. As WoodSpinner mentioned above, what I originally posted is the law as it is written.

I've been on numerous Deep Sea trips out of SanDiego where we fished well into Mexican waters, and the Deckhands have no reservations about tossing fish carcasses overboard after removing the fillets, and they are often doing this while still in mexican waters on the ride back to port.

I would suspect that the law is written to prevent people from doing it near shore...


The law doesn't really check on compliance in RP. Following the law to the letter is not necessary but outright violations should be avoided.