Sushi Tutorial: How to cut and prepare Yellowtail Hamachi - YouTube hamaci roll your own Yellowtail
Yep, never even heard of a Yellowfin until later on in life, and on our Rocky point forums. What we caught out of San Diego etc was called a Yellowtail. I thought what the hell change is good, I'll call them Yellowfin just to keep Bob up worrying about it, especialy after his previous post's about it.:mrgreen: Now shall we talk Pompano/Leather jackets again? That could keep us busy for day's.well you can not go wrong with either; hamachi or ahi; ?
yellowfin vs yellowtail - - The World's Largest Spearfishing Diving Social Media Forum
Sushi Tutorial: How to cut and prepare Yellowtail Hamachi - YouTube hamaci roll your own Yellowtail
You'll notice it a lot easier if it's not 10 at night and with a new moon. Finding the turnoff in the light is not a problem if you don't pay attention to the "official" sign that says 5 km.You'll notice a sign for Puerto Lobos indicating 1 Km, then as you are rounding a slow turn you'll see a dirt pulloff/road with another sign indicating Lobos is 5 KM... Hmm, the dirt pulloff/road is the road to lobos and its 5 KM. Severe washboard is the name of this road, and slow and slower is the speed limit. I can see why folks would not want to take their boat down this road, not sure I would...
I still have no idea where " the road from hell" the Drum was on and talked about after his first trip down is, and that's a good thing.The new highway starts about 15 (?) miles from Santo Thomas. And, as you approach the jct, you'll come upon a quick decision-either right on left lane. The right lane takes you to Dosembique (we now know(!)). So, you want to take the left lane! I don't remember the destination city- but, take the left lane! Red Drum helped us realized our mistake and figure this out!
Yep, a lot of bad roads when we first started coming down in the 50's. From what my parents said after coming down from Torrance (kids stayed home on that first trip) in 55, they didn't know if they were going to make it in my uncle Teddy's woody or not! What I don't get is how the Drum got on the road they discribed, and where did it start. I'm thinking that the new road was completed as far as Santo Tomas when they made their first trip down,and they could have cut down to the main road from the Y coming in.There would have been no reason to have come through Caborca coming from Cali, but if the did it would have just been a left at the Y junction.Kenny,it used to be 42 miles of HELL. You come from Caborca and go through the farms. You guys have no idea how lucky you are. Many a truck have been lost on that road. They had silt beds that were a quater mile long, that , when you saw one coming up, you would floor it, and by the end you were going about 2 miles an hour. One time we were pulling a trailer and the axles were actually grading the sand, thats how deep the sand was .Leigh
It was kind of funny Jerry. The Drum had told Don to look for a not so large handmade sign and remember it's dark out there, very. Anyway at this point I'm in front and I thought I saw and passed a small sign that said Puerto Lobos. So I slow down and stop with Don in behind me with the trailer. We decide I should turn around with my Jeep and go back and have a look see. Sure enough I was right, the sigh and the turn off was just a short distance behind us, but the official sign we now noticed said "Puerto Lobo's 5 km" .:think:Don and Kenny the road signs crack me up at the turn off.The funny thing is they spent more money on the turn around than they would of if the signage made any friggin sense