Left Safemarina at 7:00 A.M. thick fog greeted Shawn and me on the way out to make bait, seas were nice, caught plenty of sardines and off to 51, fog got pretty thick on the way there, it finally cleared out. arrived at 51 at 10:30 and saw the reel hard working another poart of the reef, as soon as we dropped I got hit pretty hard after a few sec onds we had a small yellowtail in tghe boat, we went back over that spot and I got hit by a bigger fish, after 5 minutes almost to the boat it got off, aging we went back and again I lost another fish, after that my luck stopped and Shawns kicked in, by changing spots he started catching all the fish he caught 5 whiteseabass 2 red snappers,whitefish, and I caught 2 goldspots, thats the way it goes, hadc a great time :lol: