Don, Stuart and others who were so generous with your tips and time, just wanted to report back on my little fishing trip on the 17th -19th of July.
Hopefully better late than never... Have not been back on as frequently since before heading down to Penasco last month.
On the 17th, almost decided NOT to head out for the evening incoming tide because it was that 'lazy', slack tide that I personally have not had very good luck with. Well, not this time. By the time I got set up and started fishing I had to wade out to about waist level. However, from my 2nd cast on, I got hit or caught a fish for 35 straight minutes. It was unbelievable. Have not ever experienced catching corvina like that before, although I have heard from several friends about them having many similar experiences. Was happy though that my kastmaster was tied on so well and was able to handle that barrage ! Then, because I was out waist and soon to be chest deep, along with deciding to head out at the last minute, I was not prepared to stringer any fish. So, it was catch and release of about 15-20 fish in that time-span, which was just fine as I ended up keeping and eating some really nice fish in the days to follow.
I took Stuart's advice from when I asked about going out in a panga for sierra, corvina and fish other than trigger & rock bass (although I do like eating trigger, I have just caught so many and wanted to experience somethng new) so I called the company Stuart recommended. A very nice lady answered and I told her I wanted to go out with an english speaking guide/captain, covererd canopy, etc. She said she would track down a boat and call me right back but she never did. So, I just went down to Pampano's and found a guy myself. Went out Saturday the 18th at incoming tide and only for about 4 hours, but it was great. Got into a pod of dolphins that followed the boat out and they dove under and around the boat for about a mile. Very, very cool experience. We went over to some reefs by the smokestack at Playa Encanto and got into quite a few sierra. They were really great fighting fish and fun to catch. Hit another couple reef spots and caught a variet of fish - all which ended up being great eating fish. All in all, a great couple days fishing with Friday evening being absolutely epic.
Stuart, I did try the sabiki a few times , however the captain kept moving and I never did catch anything with it. Not sure I was working it correctly, even though I'm sure it's not rocket science! Next time I'll give it a shot from the Kayak, which by the way, I ended up not going out by boat or kayak after Saturday because the wind really picked up.
A little caveat and speaking of weather, I was shocked as to how comfortable it was while out fishing in JULY! Granted, as long as there was a breeze, it was more than tolerable with the mornings and evenings being awesome. Did not expect that at all for July with the typical added heat & humidity. By the way, it must be mentioned that one of the best parts of this trip was the Friday night downpour and the subsequent 'lightning and thunder show'. This downpour lasted for about an hour with lighting completely lighting up the entire sky and ocean. I saw one bolt that went literally from the point where El Capitan is, horizontally all the way to Bird Island! They thunder pops were deafening at times with the corresponding lighting illuminating the night sky and seemingly turning the darkness into temporary daylight! It was like God was doing a little showing off in all His glory! Pretty spectacular site to witness for sure. (not sure if anyone else was able to see this as well as I don't think I saw a mention of the storm on this blog?? I was told by my waiter at La Curva it was the first rain Penasco had received this year...)
Well, thanks again for the tips and info from all. It's a great way to learn and also live vicariously through the reports, until we can get down to Penasco again.