FRANCISCO IS GREAT AT RP PIERCan anyone recommend a reputable company that takes folks out on fishing excursions? Family of four that has never been, but not sure who to go with. I have heard of Santiago Ocean Services and I think Del Mar Charters, but know nothing about them.
$300 divided by 4 is not $50.00 apieceIf you double that $600 for a 12 hour trip out to some deep reefs, thats about an average of what it costs to go out in a privatly owned fishing boat.
Actually that is only 50 dollars apiece and I think that is pretty reasonable. A ponga would not be much less and you probably wouldn't catch a decent fish. On a trip like you mentioned, at this time of year, you might catch a grouper which is worth more than $300. Check around, a lot of private captains might be willing to take you out to the closer reefs but the cost would be at least double.