Hi, I did go and launch from the area labeled "shore launch" on Wahoo's map earlier in the thread. It's on the opposite side of the estuary from the Mayan and an easy drive with 2-wheel drive. The area was heavily used by commercial fisherman but they didn't seem to mind me parking and launching there.Beachwalker,
I am headed to La Pinta in early June. I would be greatful if you could tell me what you learned last October. I am staying at the Mayan and am very interested in the mouth of the estuary and the estuary itself.
I didn't paddle all the way over to the Mayan side but stayed pretty close to that launch as it was my first trip and distances and currents can be deceiving. As reported above, I caught a couple of nice Corvina that afternoon in about an hour and a half on Rebel minnow lures at high tide. I probably could've caught more but I spent some time throwing some spoons over where I believed there to be a reef - with no luck.
The estuary is beautiful and a neat place to paddle. I plan on going back to the same place this June. If you're staying at the Mayan, you might consider launching from there if you can since there appears to be some deep water fairly close - but it may be too far, I forget. Rely on Wahoo's map (on page 1 of this thread) and advice. All the advice I got on this thread was good and reliable.
Good luck!