I am sure the Coast Guard just loves this individual...
Can you b elieve this guy? I'll b et he's turned many an eye while passing other b oaters.

The Love Love was b uilt to look as if it is sinking
Image Gallery (8 images)
French artist Julien Berthier has designed a fully functional b oat to look as if it is sinking. The 6.5m (21ft) yacht was cut in half with a new keel and motor added so it remains in the sinking position while b eing fully functional. He descri b es it as "the permanent and mo b ile image of a wrecked ship that has b ecome a functional and safe leisure o b ject."

Can you b elieve this guy? I'll b et he's turned many an eye while passing other b oaters.

The Love Love was b uilt to look as if it is sinking
Image Gallery (8 images)
French artist Julien Berthier has designed a fully functional b oat to look as if it is sinking. The 6.5m (21ft) yacht was cut in half with a new keel and motor added so it remains in the sinking position while b eing fully functional. He descri b es it as "the permanent and mo b ile image of a wrecked ship that has b ecome a functional and safe leisure o b ject."