fish market

Yes, everyone has been complaining about it. They need to at least make the left side of the street no parking, and then change the parking on the right at a sharper angle, as it's now too perpendicular to the curb.

After all the planning and construction I can't believe they didn't take these factors into account. I love random Mexican construction and all of its quirks, but tearing down all the charm the fish market district and Malecon had and replacing it with a generic boxy stucco shopping mall look was one thing. But then making it even worse to navigate? They really dropped the ball on this one.
Thinking of the future and the consequences of what is to be done is not done well by any government agency, US or MEX. They know they are just to smart to cause any problem. And as in this case who cares about the charm other than the customers.
They already have a parking lot (on the right as you come into the Malecon)...just go up another story (parking garage)!


You would have to rip down everything on that side and beef it up, cheaper to have a Pier for a parking lot. Don't you think?