Are these the only places that dont take insurance? Or are we talking about a deductible?
My buddy told me about the red cross place dont know the name of it, bad news. He needed stitches and they tried using a rusty unsanitary needle, he told them to stop, said Ill find some where else, they did nothing for him and called the cops to make sure he paid before he leaves (shake down).
In the mean time his back of the leg is hanging half on, bleeding real bad. But the doctors or cops dont care, they want that U.S. green back.
Its just like when someone shop lifts the cost of merchandise goes up, every time an illegal immigrant goes to a U.S. hospital and gets treated and doesnt pay, who flips for that bill, the insurance company, than they charge us more for our policy.
Mexico has a good point, have a cop at every U.S. hospital if you cant pay you go to jail.
My buddy told me about the red cross place dont know the name of it, bad news. He needed stitches and they tried using a rusty unsanitary needle, he told them to stop, said Ill find some where else, they did nothing for him and called the cops to make sure he paid before he leaves (shake down).
In the mean time his back of the leg is hanging half on, bleeding real bad. But the doctors or cops dont care, they want that U.S. green back.
Its just like when someone shop lifts the cost of merchandise goes up, every time an illegal immigrant goes to a U.S. hospital and gets treated and doesnt pay, who flips for that bill, the insurance company, than they charge us more for our policy.
Mexico has a good point, have a cop at every U.S. hospital if you cant pay you go to jail.