File a complaint with who?

Bob Oso

Below is an e-mail I received from my brother-in-law. It's a friend of his and is legitimate, but I have ommited the names for their protection. The question is, who do you report this to? Does the Rocky Pt. police have authority over Cholla police?

My son told me the following story
> last night and I felt
> I needed to forward this information to you.
> Our family was vacationing from
> the 5th to
> the 11th of June at my boss’s home in Cholla bay.
> My son was driving out the gate
> and a uniformed police
> officer told him to pull over to the right as he was under arrest for
> speeding. He told the officer he was not speeding but pulled over.
> My son listened to the uniform
> police officer and the
> Cholla bay officer talk about planting drugs in his car so he could
> arrest my son and take him to jail and keep his car. The officer came
> back to the car and told my son to get out of the car. My son told
> the uniformed officer he would not get out of the car. My son told
> the officer that he would not get out of the car until his supervisor
> came to do the arresting. He told the officer he wanted to tell his
> supervisor of his plan to place drugs in his car. The officer was
> very surprised that my son knew Spanish and knew what they were
> plotting. The officer then asked if he had a home in Cholla Bay , my
> son said yes. The officer then said you are free to go.
> I asked my son why he did not tell
> me about it when the
> event occurred, he said he did not want me to pack up and go home;
> which is exactly what I would have done!
> When in this situation what should
> an American
> do?
> Thank you,


El Pirata
Cholla Police

Hoa Fee's in La Cholla are guestimate under $200.00 per year. So they can't afford guards, police. water....So it must of been rented cops...
I thought they had city cops working shifts....Hummm.....Have things changed? Lets start with who were the cops?

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
OK, this will make everyone very ill at ease. A couple of years ago (I think 2005), one of my sons was at our house in Las Conchas and our PROPERTY MANAGER showed him a Mustang (he thinks) that he was helping a friend trick out with flashing lights, etc. He was bragging that he used it to stop Gringos for money. Yes, my son would testify to that...but what good would that do if all the "politicos" are being allowed to stay at OUR far does this go?


Get the patrol car/truck number and REPORT it. There is no way to stop it if everyone complies. I know the Cholla guys and would be very interested in more detailed info in a pm. (If it is true?). Stories tend to grow and Mexico corruption is an easy target.
I have been going to Cholla Bay for about four years now and have never had any problems with the Police. They have pulled my truck out of the sand when I got it stuck. If you are positive it is true, I understand the new Police Chief would be interested in hearing about it.
Remember that most of us now carry a cell phone with a camera. Take care not to be seen doing it but take a pic. and go to the head of security and explain what hapened. I feel confident that the situation will be taken care of post haste. Telling stories later after they happen does no one any good. Time is of the escense