Fiesta Santo Cruz in the barrio

Last night, Barb and I had the pleasure of being with Carol & Joe Houchin at an awesome block party celebration in the barrio just one street North of the shops on Shacks 5th Ave... After a Mass to Honor Santa Cruz or the Holy Cross, everyone received a dinner of Rice, Beans, Chili Colorado (Red Chili w/Beef) and Tortillas... it was delicious...
By the time we were leaving there had to be at least 600 people there... this Fiesta was in a neighboring barrio to the one I live in... I knew several people from this barrio but we were the only four caucasions in attendance that I could see and I walked all around taking photos and I have to tell you we were treated like Royalty... Why can't people accept others and treat others like that in the rest of the world..?

I have video footage of the local neighborhood children dancing but for some reason I can't get YouTube to upload my videos... also in the video you are able to see more of the crowd... this was an amazingly fun night...