- I got rid of the 'Thanks' button and replaced it with a 'Like' button. It has more of the Facebook feel and felt it went better.... You like a post, Thank was good for things like saying Happy Birthday, but really didn't make sense when you liked a post and had to click 'Thanks'... so hopefully that confusion is gone.
- The bigger change was access.... I've setup rules to only allow US, Mexico and Canada ISP's from reaching our forum. I've done this to prevent the amount of spam that comes in, you guys don't see most of it, however there's a spam message every 30 minutes or so which is getting quite annoying. You will receive a blocked page if it's blocking you with instructions on contacting me, etc. If you or any friends of yours can't reach the forum at any given time (and you are in the US/CA/MX, please let me know!