Went out Sat, 24miles out drift was extremely fast 1.2 mph, put out a drift sock it helped very little, Sandy caught a 8 lb pinta and that was all that was caught Sat , Sunday went out to some closer reefs and anchored, put out somew chum, at 9:20 A.M. Sandy hooked a fish, She was having a hard time so I helped out, I could tell it was a big fish since it was taking line on a reel that just does not let line out, at least with a 65 lb after a few minutes it came up and I thought it weighed between 70 to 75 lbs when we got back to the marina the tournament people weighed it and it came up to 86.9 lbs, had a great time Sandy won a reel and rod and 2 free nights at some hotel everyone was very friendly and the beer was reel cold, saw Scott , Doug and Dan out there, Scott and Doug did real well on Sat and so did Dan, :-D
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