Fans of Rocky Point


I miss Duna's
Does anyone know why Kelly cancelled this event and group? On her FB page, it says there was some threats...
What a sham or should I say shame, do the math and its obvious especially the part that says their radio show. ITS A NO BRAINER SEA MONKEY Monkey Boy wanna see email:think:
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She has a "Discussions" Tab on the Fans of Rocky Point on that....a long dissertation....truth??....fiction?? Who knows???


She has a "Discussions" Tab on the Fans of Rocky Point on that....a long dissertation....truth??....fiction?? Who knows???
Here's part of it.

. I ended up telling her that the Fans of Rocky Point could not afford an additional $200 to pay for someone to emcee the festival. However, I offered for them to still have stage time and promote their radio show – for absolutely free! What a deal!! Free promotion for your radio show!! Well, that wasn’t good enough for her and she sent me a very mean email which included a threat towards the musicians and resort, insinuating that they may have something to “worry about”.
if there is any truth to it, ( i am not saying there is) it is a very sad state of reality.

Who knows possibly the people could resolve those issues.
Geez, even when things are seemingly tranquil one can wake to find that she's been yanked into controversy. I don't know who sunk Disney's show...but it wasn't me. She's a flake and as those of you who know me can imagine, I'm not happy about being blamed in this fiasco.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
I wish she had a cliff notes version of her rant. She is definately blaming you Rosy based on the "read between the lines- she, her radio show," she makes it seem like you run a cartel down there
I know! I got a message from Russ this morning alerting me. I ranted back so you can have some of the "back story". It too, is long. Check out the thread I posted. Sorry, no cliff notes.
I wish she had a cliff notes version of her rant. She is definately blaming you Rosy based on the "read between the lines- she, her radio show," she makes it seem like you run a cartel down there
Oh..oh!!!'re secret's we know why you have all that're a cartel big-wig!!!:rofl:
Thanks, Joe. One would think that would make people tread carefully around me...not try to stomp all over me! Anyway, to answer your earlier question, FICTION.
Sorry you had to find out the hard way. The good news is that, like most people who tend to burn their bridges, she's moved on to "promote" some other community. I used to tell my kids when they were little to beware thinking you can fool people about who you are, because time always tells.