Events for January in Rocky Point/Puerto Peñasco


For me the Cameltoe was always my little "Mexico Hideaway" the wife didn't like going there as much but hey put me down for a couple of t-shirts before they are gone...

Manny Sanchez

Vir sapit qui pauca loqui
The Camel Toe Cantina is going to organize the event (with help from others) We started the idea and opened it up to all last year. It got to be kind of a cluster **** so we will try to localize it this year. I hope it works and gets better every year. will have info as the event gets closer. Oh, and maybe I'm letting the cat out of the bag early but we won't be the Camel Toe Cantina any more. So... All you haters of the name better show up!
Do you have any official dates for the RP Fun Run?
Thanks Jim :)


We are meeting this weekend to discuss it and come up with dates. I'll let you know when we have more info.