
Well like everything else down there I am sure the results and fall out from the result will slowly become more apparent.
Should be interesting.
Just hoping to make it down for fathers day weekend and not be driving into some kinda trouble. (Yes I know that always possible but...)


Well like everything else down there I am sure the results and fall out from the result will slowly become more apparent.
Should be interesting.
Just hoping to make it down for fathers day weekend and not be driving into some kinda trouble. (Yes I know that always possible but...)
You should be safe. I do not think the GV Desperado is planning on coming down then so it will be quiet.

GV Jack

Snorin God
The GVD will not be creating havoc in those parts soon. Mrs Desperado has returned from her Ohio sojourn which always
creates havoc here in GV. We are working through some medical issues and other commitments so it looks like maybe November.
For the time being, the women, children and sheep are safe, unless GVD makes a quick stealthy unannounced appearance. Be wary,
always be wary.


Well looks bad for our sketchy little town by the sea.PAN loses the capital to Claudia.Claudia plays hardball and helps people that help her.Munro wins here and his and Padres baby the Homeport now may face shaky funding if any more delays occur.Caborca went PRI for first time in 17 years...Rodrego won a seat! Good guy!


Isn't that a good thing for RP and Sonora that Claudia won? I'd think her connections with the ruling party would be good for Homeport funding, etc.


Isn't that a good thing for RP and Sonora that Claudia won? I'd think her connections with the ruling party would be good for Homeport funding, etc.
Well the issue is she has pledged no witch hunts...but....will not interfere with the legal system.Some PAN scalps may be taken...RP is a PAN town