Drug sniffing dog


With all the stuff in the news recently about using US Citizens as mules crossing with drugs, and some of the stories that you hear about where someone has taped packages of drugs to the underside of cars crossing north (without the car owners' knowledge), is there anyway to check for that before crossing? I realize you can just look at the undercarriage of your vehicle, but what if someone has hidden something so high up in there that you can't see it just with a flashlight from under the car. How would you protect yourself from that?
Pretty rare......I would worry way more about about someone flipping a shell casing in the back of the pickup at a gas station and having a cop " discover" it a few miles down the road.....and that is rare too


heroin use is a choice born of boredom,fear,a history of serial abuse loneliness ... Most (95%) of users returning from Vietnam never used again....the answer isn't more prisoners,cops and people burdened with life altering police records...
Family uses man's obituary as warning about dangers of heroin addiction
“It’s an epidemic. It’s worse than the plague, and it’s wiping out an entire generation”



Family uses man's obituary as warning about dangers of heroin addiction
“It’s an epidemic. It’s worse than the plague, and it’s wiping out an entire generation”

sad but how do you deal with it? give felonies and no futures to the vast majority of users that get bored heroin...etc. and get on with life.If od kits were readily available he most likely would be alive. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDQQFjAC&url=http://stopoverdose.org/faq.htm&ei=7eDbVIKSHMWmyAS02YCwCA&usg=AFQjCNG3X-LQKNXHcIcKY66w9VGMEmiPFQ&sig2=NnV6kG6V1Z8BrvU7VEaCxQ&bvm=bv.85761416,d.aWw


sad but how do you deal with it?
Wish I had the answer. Been trying to help a family member for 2 1/2 yrs without any real results. Just when I think we might beat it, another major relapse. Percoset is the problem. The doctors & dentists hand out scripts for it like candy on halloween. The crap is available everywhere on the street. Then somebody gets their hands on blank scripts, fills them out, and off to the pharmacy they go. At $20 -$25 a piece, lots of money to be made. Docs need to stop prescribing the stuff, and pharmacies need to confirm scripts. Would have to help. What people don't realize is percoset is heroin in a mild form. Very addicting and when you can't afford it any longer, heroin is readily available and much cheaper. Then you're really in trouble because there really isn't any place to go for help. Maybe some state or federal run clinics or programs. Don't know, again, wish I had the answer. Feel like we're running out of time...
Pretty rare......I would worry way more about about someone flipping a shell casing in the back of the pickup at a gas station and having a cop " discover" it a few miles down the road.....and that is rare too
Now that is a scary thought

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