When driving around the salt flats there are beaten path's that one should probably follow, you can see tire tracks that get 30 0r 40 feet off the paths and then stop.. you would think that would be a clue when beyond that there aren't any tire tracks.. off road it's a really pretty drive after the salt flats to El Golfo..A few hours ago we saw three vehicles mired in the salt and mud beyond recovery out in the mud flats just past and east of Salina Grande on the Coastal Highway. They seemed to think that they could just blast their way over the white salt like it was pavement. All three were up to the doors in the black muck under the salt. They were some type of "support" vehicles for the rally.
Too bad too sad dumb dip-shits. The experience will be a "rad" time for them and most likely be the highlight of their trip. Lucky they didn't attempt it in August.
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