Do I need to insure my quads?


I just bought two quads for my boys, do I need to insure them? I currently insure my RV and my Rhino when I go, but was looking on AAA website and couldn't find any options to insure the quads so was wondering if it's needed. I would think yes, liability but can't find a way to insure them.

Do I need it? If so, any ideas where to purchase it?
Give her a call. Her site is not all-inclusive of what she offers.
Ha! That's an understatement, Patrick. You're right. I'm sorely in need of technical assistance, but you guys already knew that. Here's the deal on quads:

We insure them. Unfortunately, right now the only coverage we have available is Liability Only. Of course if you damage someone's property or injure someone and don't have it, the experience will be unpleasant to say the least. The least expensive way to insure those for liability is the famous Driver's License Policy. Quads, buggies, motorcycles...anything that is street-legal is covered when you've got a Driver's License policy.

I prefer not to post prices because they do change frequently (most recently they came down) and I don't want anyone asking me why they paid more or...if they go up...why it's more than what I said on the forum. That said, today the cost is $115.69 per year for one driver and $137.12 for 2 drivers. We can put up to 4 drivers on one policy, with the cost for 4 being $179.95

We certainly appreciate sales that come in through our website (believe it or not, even as pitiful as the site is, we get sales), but it's really just as easy to call our office at 602.773.1031 anytime between 8:30am-5:30pm. After hours, feel free to leave a message. I'll get it textually on my phone and will respond as soon as possible.

Hope this helps!


Banned for Douchebaggery!
Hmm. Okay thanks! I tried her site but also couldn't find any policies for a quad.
Answer is NO. By mexican law you are not obligated to get insurance for a quad nor any other recreational off road motorised toy.

However, if you plan on driving the quad on public roads there is a chance that you can get into a collision with some local resident who will call the police and say "it is gringos fault" even if its not and you will be required to pay the damages to the other person that same day or you will be detained until you pay the damages.

Reason why I know this is I ended up translating for the toursts to the cops at calle 13 and caranza, gingo rear ended some mexican guy who was in the truck, there was no damage to the truck but mexican claimed quad busted his rear tail light, and it was clear that rear light was broken long time ago, he just wanted money. Guy wanted 100 bucks, and cops came and realy wanted to bust this gringo and take his quad, I ended up telling cops that tail light is only 100 pesos so he gave him $20 because he did not have smaller bill. You can buy mexican insurance for a quad against the serial number alone, it is cheap. With mexican insurance cops can't touch you, they call mexican insurance agent on the spot and he will fight for your rights.
Rosie, do you advertise here? Just curious. I see your banner;

Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco), Sonora, Mexico - Pro Alliance Insurance
No, Wahoo, I don't advertise on that website. Sometimes people make a banner for their sites as a service to the public or because they want to promote us, which is always nice. Sometimes as a public service, they'll put a link to both local companies.

What Eduardo said isn't accurate. By law, every foreigner driving in Mexico is required to carry liability insurance. Obviously if you're off-road and flip it, there's not much damage you can do...assuming you're alone and there's no one else who can be hurt. Nevertheless, whenever driving on public roads if, whether because of accident or infraction, you fail to show proof of insurance, you run the risk of a fine and having the vehicle impounded.

Obviously there exists the possibility of talking the officer out of that or paying him something to forget it, but if the policy costs $115 per year, why risk it? And of course there's always that silly little detail that if someone is hurt the insurance will pay for it. It's not always about someone needing a new taillight.

By the way, I've been to many an accident where the Mexican was found to be at fault. To say the call is always against "the gringo"(your word, not mine) is BS. And to say that a cop "can't touch you" if you have insurance is nonsense. If you require touching, you'll be touched, alright. If you're lucky enough to get an adjuster out right away, they'll do what they can to expedite the process, but they certainly aren't lawyers and don't "fight for your rights".

Geez, Eduardo, you seem to have little respect for Mexicans and not much more for "gringos". Perhaps I'm just reacting negatively to your need to be considered an expert on matters about which you know little.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
No, Wahoo, I don't advertise on that website. Sometimes people make a banner for their sites as a service to the public or because they want to promote us, which is always nice. Sometimes as a public service, they'll put a link to both local companies.

What Eduardo said isn't accurate. By law, every foreigner driving in Mexico is required to carry liability insurance. Obviously if you're off-road and flip it, there's not much damage you can do...assuming you're alone and there's no one else who can be hurt. Nevertheless, whenever driving on public roads if, whether because of accident or infraction, you fail to show proof of insurance, you run the risk of a fine and having the vehicle impounded.

Obviously there exists the possibility of talking the officer out of that or paying him something to forget it, but if the policy costs $115 per year, why risk it? And of course there's always that silly little detail that if someone is hurt the insurance will pay for it. It's not always about someone needing a new taillight.

By the way, I've been to many an accident where the Mexican was found to be at fault. To say the call is always against "the gringo"(your word, not mine) is BS. And to say that a cop "can't touch you" if you have insurance is nonsense. If you require touching, you'll be touched, alright. If you're lucky enough to get an adjuster out right away, they'll do what they can to expedite the process, but they certainly aren't lawyers and don't "fight for your rights".

Geez, Eduardo, you seem to have little respect for Mexicans and not much more for "gringos". Perhaps I'm just reacting negatively to your need to be considered an expert on matters about which you know little.

Ask him how he feels about NAFTA!


Ask him how he feels about NAFTA!
Ha! while your at it you can ask him how he fells about me! He instant messaged me with some nonsense in Spanish yesterday, and then a bunch of questions about how I felt about PP, and if I'd ever been shook down for a bribe by the police. I haven't and told him so. Anyway after a few more exchanges he said he doubted I'd been going down since 56/57 because I had to use a translation site to decipher his first messages to me. I'd already been holding back on what I wanted to say to this guy, but after that remark I let it go, He said he thought I wasn't very nice after reading what I'd said to him, and I assumed it was because he was having a hard time performing the act I suggested he do on himself.:mrgreen:

GV Jack

Snorin God
I assumed it was because he was having a hard time performing the act I suggested he do on himself.:mrgreen:
I know you stole that line from someone, I just can't remember who it was...:rofl:


I know you stole that line from someone, I just can't remember who it was...:rofl:
First Eduardo accuses me of lying, and then you accuse me of plagiarism Jack? Well that about cover it then, doesn't it...Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.


Maybe you can get lying and plagiarism insurance from Rosie. Would sell to the politicians doncha think?