Developments West of Playa LaJolla


Went down for the weekend and walked out to the Marua estuary from our rental In Playa La Jolla.
Came across a Community with 11 houses 1 of them is a light house looking thing, One res said its from the 1980's. We did find a solar powered for sale immediatly next to the Las lot in Playa La Jolla. Further west tward the mouth of the estuary is a failed development of some kind....And finally at the point is the Marua club with a handful of houses all in a development that looks to be even older,1970's maybee, all houses are solar powered......Guard at the end commuinity of Marua said the is one place for sale and reluctantly let us in, I called the owner he said its in a mexican Corporation with a Bank trust...
Just curious if anyone on the forum is part of either of the communities.



Failed project was Villa Cortez. It never got beyond the taking of customer deposits and is now for sale as a parcel of land. It was originally called the Villages II Project. The developer allegedly took money from buyers of the development but the project never materialized. It is assumed that several buyers were then switched to Villa Cortez. As of January, 2009, other than the model, no infrastructure had been put in place nor had ground been broken on any buildings.

Terry C

Villa Cortez property went to auction several years ago in Scottsdale, not one person showed up to bid....there is a Mexican guy that lives there to watch the office/showroom and his dogs name is Negro. They had a huge grand opening several years ago. The other one is Encanto Hights and then there is Esturo Maura at the end.


Jerry, Im hearing you.......Just trying to stir up some conversation, I love the estuary down there and was hoping to get some deal to appear from nowhere!
you have to admit to have ocean on the back porch and estuary out the front would be pretty cool. Always give harbor to the jet skis my kids will be riding.


Went down for the weekend and walked out to the Marua estuary from our rental In Playa La Jolla.
Came across a Community with 11 houses 1 of them is a light house looking thing, One res said its from the 1980's. We did find a solar powered for sale immediatly next to the Las lot in Playa La Jolla. Further west tward the mouth of the estuary is a failed development of some kind....And finally at the point is the Marua club with a handful of houses all in a development that looks to be even older,1970's maybee, all houses are solar powered......Guard at the end commuinity of Marua said the is one place for sale and reluctantly let us in, I called the owner he said its in a mexican Corporation with a Bank trust...
Just curious if anyone on the forum is part of either of the communities.
Hi Dan,

My house is in Estero Morua and I am a board member of the club as well. Been going there since 1974. What questions did you have?


Villa Cortez property went to auction several years ago in Scottsdale, not one person showed up to bid....there is a Mexican guy that lives there to watch the office/showroom and his dogs name is Negro. They had a huge grand opening several years ago. The other one is Encanto Hights and then there is Esturo Maura at the end.
Terry that is Lupe very nice and interesting guy, speaks perfect english.


Funny, every time I've walked around down there no one was anywhere to be found.
I don't think Lupe has been into town for a number of years now. One of our club members gave him a Jeep Cherokee that he putts around in but he is usually there or hanging out at our guard house.

Terry C

Terry that is Lupe very nice and interesting guy, speaks perfect english.
Yes, it was Lupe, our friends own the last house to the East next to him. A couple of years ago Negro went missing and there was a massive search for the dog. He finally came home a couple of days later. We all just assumed he had a date!!!!!!
Lupe was devastated the entire time.


Found a house for sale by owner in Encanto heights, guy says he's the original owner. What's the story with that development? Same time line as Estero? From what I have gathered both properties are held in Mexican corporations, was this due to the time line? Are the government fee's/negotiations a scary thing? Encanto heights only has 11 members so not as strong as Estero is my concern. We were going to this estuary as kids and I want the same for my kids, thanks!!


Found a house for sale by owner in Encanto heights, guy says he's the original owner. What's the story with that development? Same time line as Estero? From what I have gathered both properties are held in Mexican corporations, was this due to the time line? Are the government fee's/negotiations a scary thing? Encanto heights only has 11 members so not as strong as Estero is my concern. We were going to this estuary as kids and I want the same for my kids, thanks!!
If they are held in a Mex corporation have the corporations been kept up to date? I am aware of a recent situation where the Corp. was not kept up to date and the cost to get it current was about $30K USD.

Get the documents for the property and take them to a Notoria. That is the only person that can answer your questions accurately. Be careful. You have that old anglo "Lookin for a good deal" that has gotten many buyers screwed by a shrewd seller.

Also be aware that you really should not play in the Morua. There is a large bird sanctuary on the eastern side and there are several Ostione growing operations there. Both would be negatively impacted by people playing on jet skis there. a nice quiet tour on a canoe would be OK.


Found a house for sale by owner in Encanto heights, guy says he's the original owner. What's the story with that development? Same time line as Estero? From what I have gathered both properties are held in Mexican corporations, was this due to the time line? Are the government fee's/negotiations a scary thing? Encanto heights only has 11 members so not as strong as Estero is my concern. We were going to this estuary as kids and I want the same for my kids, thanks!!
Dan if you are looking for a place in Estero Morua there is 1 available today and possibly another 1 or 2 in the coming year. I'll send you a PM.